Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
September 27, 2024

Breaking News

Lean into love, not fear, this World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Beirut Jesuit pastor tells preachers
St. Joseph Church in Beirut offers a sanctuary for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers fleeing South Sudan, Syria, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and many other conflict-torn nations. Daniel Corrou, S.J., pastor of the community, vividly recalls entering the 19th-century church immediately after the devastating 2020 blast in Lebanon?s capital.

Is the woke madness beginning to ebb?
Has the English-speaking world hit peak woke? Consider these surprising developments:

Deepfake porn: a bizarre backstory
This blog is a species of journalism, and while it's more of an opinion blog than a place to find new facts, I acknowledge the journalistic obligation of accuracy. So when someone questions the accuracy of something I write, it naturally concerns me, and on occasion I will add corrections to my blogs as necessary. Something like that happened with last week's blog, and the details are involved and interesting enough to devote today's blog to the issue.

Deepfake porn: where AI goes to die
In Dante's Inferno, Hell is imagined as a conical pit with ever-deepening rings dedicated to the torment of worse and worse sinners. At the very bottom is Satan himself, constantly gnawing on Judas, the betrayer of Jesus Christ

'Irrefutable' need for global regulation of AI: UN experts
The imperative for global regulation of the booming artificial intelligence field, or AI, is "irrefutable", a new report from a UN expert group said on Thursday, adding that development and use of such a technology "cannot be left to the whims of markets alone".

The Truth About Abortion Pills and The Lies of the Harris Campaign
Abortion is extremely dangerous for the mother and always deadly for the baby.

Legalizing assisted suicide may increase the rate of other suicides
Elder suicide rates continue to rise in the United States.

Pope Francis says tax billionaires, stop sports betting in fiery economics speech
?It is often precisely the wealthiest who oppose the realization of social justice or integral ecology out of sheer greed,? the Pope said.

Pope Francis: "Doing an Abortion is Killing a Human Being"
"Migration," Pope Francis continued, "is a right, it is a right that is in the Scripture. It [is] in the Old Testament." Addressing abortion, the Pope stated that "science says: at the month of conception there are all the organs of a human being. All of them! Doing [an abortion] is killing a human being. You like the word or you don't like... but it is killing."

Mandating insurance coverage for IVF will not boost fertility
Recently, Trump proposed that insurance companies be required to cover in vitro fertilisation (or IVF), so it's worth asking: does subsidising IVF boost fertility? As this brief will show, the answer is no. Free IVF has no effect on fertility.

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Recent Articles By:


Voices Crying Out in the Wilderness

With 21 million refugees, does anyone really believe that this large number of people decided beforehand to join the ranks of a refugee. I doubt it very much. No-one in their wildest dreams expects to become a refugee. Imagine a doctor heading home from work after a busy day at the hospital, or a mechanic fixing a broken axel on a Toyota truck in the early afternoon, or a girl walking to school with a schoolbag draped over her shoulder, or a father kissing his son goodnight. Every one of them expects tomorrow to be the same as today. Each is relaxed and in a sense enjoying the moment. But fear can come in that same moment. It can be the sound of gunfire, the fall of a bomb, a knock at the door. Many of those forced to flee have just minutes to make vital decisions, to grab what they can and run. Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! The Erasure of the Elderly and Its Horrible Consequences

Shenan J. Boquet
Ultimately, a society is only as strong as the bonds that unite people to one another. In the past, it was common for the elderly to spend the final years of their lives in the homes of one of their children, where they would be surrounded by the liveliness and joy of their grandchildren. As the family has disintegrated, and as our lives have become busier and busier, this situation has become rarer and rarer. It is up to us to rebuild those social bonds, by making concrete choices that prioritize the dignity of persons over every other consideration.

New! We need to fight the misinformation campaign waged by the trans lobby

Dianna Kenny
Several key medical journals, including JAMA, have identified the profound harms caused by medical and health misinformation. They assert that health misinformation on social media disproportionately harms female adolescents, racial and ethnic minority youth, LGBQT+ youth, and other marginalized groups.

New! Shouldn't We Have Rape Abortion Exceptions to Help Victims?

Brian Clowes
From an ethical and logical standpoint, a baby conceived through violence is as blameless and innocent as one conceived in marriage and is therefore deserving of the same protection. If you challenge a person to look at two babies, one conceived in a loving marriage and the other through the violent act of rape, that person will not be able to tell them apart. Either all preborn babies are worth saving, or none of them are.

New! A Walz to the White House?

Kurt Mahlburg
When Trump picked JD Vance as his running mate, the legacy press held Vance's feet to the fire, with hard-hitting, wall-to-wall coverage that interrogated the Ohio senator's life story, his policy positions, his political alliances, and the ins and outs of his relationship to the 45th president. The fourth estate did its job, in other words - helping Americans understand Trump's heir apparent, and ensuring he was thoroughly vetted for the job. If only the same could be said of their treatment of Kamala Harris' VP pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

New! The world is running out of children as global birthrates collapse

Steven Mosher
The collapse in birth rates that began in post-war Europe has, in the decades since, spread to every single corner of the globe. Many nations are already feeling this death spiral, filling more coffins than cradles each year.

Gay Kids or Adult Agendas? The Scouts' Dilemma

Frank J. Moncher
Apparently a 103-year history can be abolished by a three-year trend, and the "wisdom" of teens trumps that of the majority and the elders of the community.


Ron Panzer
A short poem about the work the work we do in healthcare called, "Dance."

Mississippi Mess Up

Judie Brown
The Mississippi law that the Supreme Court has recently chosen to hear is called the Gestational Age Act. This law purports to "prohibit abortions after 15 weeks' gestation." In other words, all preborn children who are younger than 15 weeks gestational age will not be protected by this law. Additionally, since gestation is calculated from the first day of the mother's last menstrual cycle, the law is actually protecting babies who are 13 weeks old or older.

When is "not-self" really "self"? International Research Ethics Standards Require Hwang's Team to Retest Its Stem Cells

Dianne N. Irving
Perhaps Hwang and his team are a bit reluctant because they already know beforehand that it is physically and scientifically impossible that these "stem cells" from cloned human embryos really match the patients into whom they were injected? What about addressing the other ethical requirements of the Declaration of Helsinki and the Nuremberg Code - e.g., the fact that patients should understand that the research being performed is not "standard medical care", that the good of the patient involved outweighs that of "society" or "science", that patients must give ethically and legally valid informed consent to participate, as well as various other ethical obligations of others directly complicit in this research. One wonders why the international press doesn't include some of these international research ethics requirements in their investigative reporting.

Why the war on unborn children

*Offsite Article
Why is pregnancy a war between a mother and her child? A little research shows that the number of casualties of all the wars in the history of the world is estimated at somewhat less than 500 million. This is less than one-third the amount of unborn lives sacrificed in the last 36 years. This war on unborn babies is the "longest war" in the history of our planet. Since 1980 more than one and one half billion babies have been legally slaughtered. The United States alone stands at 60 million.

Restricting Abortion, Spanish Style
Who Are the Radicals?

Eric Metaxas
The Spanish government wants to enact new restrictions on abortion. Why should we care?

Love's Daily Choice (Easter Sunday 5)

Proclaim Sermons
Loving others is a choice we must continually make.

The world's oldest man?

Marcus Roberts
There has been a new record set! The world's oldest person (as in ever documented, not just the oldest living) is Carmelo Flores Laura and he is apparently 123 years old!

Be Responsible: Why We Should Reject COVID Digital Contact Tracing

R. J. Snell
Given the continued spread of coronavirus and the inherent limitations of stay at home orders and social distancing, many health authorities are developing contact tracing plans.

How to become the most popular teacher

Douglas McManaman
Becoming the most popular teacher is simply a matter of personality, not character; it is so easy in fact that it is a wonder that no one has thought of it before. Say 'yes' to your students, always, in every circumstance, till the very end of the semester.