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MIT, Harvard professors slam pro-LGBT phrase 'sex assigned at birth' in New York Times column
Instead of asking for a person's sex, some medical and camp forms these days ask for 'sex assigned at birth' or 'assigned sex' (often in addition to gender identity). The American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association endorse this terminology; its use has also exploded in academic articles. The Cleveland Clinic's online glossary of diseases and conditions tells us that the 'inability to achieve or maintain an erection' is a symptom of sexual dysfunction, not in 'males,' but in 'people assigned male at birth.' In short, this shift in language has been real, discernable, and imposed from the top down.

Did I Need To Make Extra Embryos to Have a Baby?
IVF gave me my children, but as a pro-life Christian I wish I had known there were other options.

Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Livers From Aborted Babies for $1,500 in New Undercover Videos
The Planned Parenthood abortions business was exposed several years ago as one of the biggest sellers of body parts from aborted babies.

Killing Babies in Abortions is Wrong Medically, Ethically and Biblically
The primary reason abortion is opposed is to value the life of the unborn child. Surely, when someone's life is in danger, the decision to save lives must take precedence over personal freedom. What follows is an explanation of why abortion should be repudiated on medical, ethical, philosophical, and spiritual grounds.

Are Human Embryos Human Beings?
A matter of scientifically demonstrable fact, human embryos, no less than human fetuses, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, and adults, are human beings - living members of the species Homo sapiens. Those words - "embryo," "infant," "adolescent," and so forth - do not name different kinds of entities. They name the same kind of entity (a living member of the human species, a human being, like you or me) at different stages of development.

Alabama, Frozen Embryos, and the Law
The recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court on frozen embryos has gotten a lot of attention. Not all of the reactions, commentaries, and analysis have been well-founded. The result is more confusion about how the law works, what that means for unborn children, and what we as pro-lifers need to do.

Committing To Embryo Creation Instead Of Marriage Is A Recipe For Death And Disaster
It's backward to commit to spending thousands of dollars creating life in a lab instead of committing to marriage.

Alabama's new IVF law is stupefyingly bad legislation
Hard cases make bad law, as the saying goes. Alabama has demonstrated that hard cases combined with hasty legislation make shocking and dreadful law.

The Abortion Drug is Killing and Injuring Women, Where are the Feminists?
It should come as no shock that when all safety standards for high-risk drugs are removed, the public suffers.

It's time to face the ugly truth about in vitro fertilization
What the recent Alabama decision has brought to the surface is the scandalized reaction of disbelief that the frozen, unborn children in clinics should have any rights at all. In reality, we should be appalled by the practice itself.

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Ethical Perspectives on Bioethics

Social Problems and the Eugenics Debate: Is Eugenics Ethical?

Brian Clowes
If any single age really attains, by eugenics and scientific education, the power to make its descendants what it pleases, all men who live after are the patients of that power, slaves to the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners. If man chooses to treat himself as raw material, raw material he will be. - C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man.

Inside the horrifying world of transgender surgery

Faith Kuzma
The idea of a "sex change" is essentially binary and therefore old-fashioned. There are only two sexes, so there are only two possible sex changes - male to female and female to male. A gender fluid world opens up a whole spectrum of possibilities.

Artificial Wombs Will Compound the Harm Reproductive Tech Inflicts on Children

Katy Faust
What should be at the forefront of everyone's mind is the question, "How does all this technological tinkering affect the kids?" We are only beginning to be able to answer that question.

Alabama Supreme Court, Embryos, and the Confusing Ethics of IVF

John Stonestreet
Some moral clarity for an industry that has been an ethical Wild West.

Why isn't mass death interesting enough for the evening news?

Ann Farmer
The clinic has admitted that there were three separate incidents. "Errors in some freezing processes" had occurred, and "a small number of embryos" had perished or were "undetectable". In other words, they could not be found after thawing.

13 reasons why you should be deeply sceptical of the IVF industry

Michael Cook
After the Alabama Supreme Court's recent ruling that frozen embryos deserve the same protections as children, politicians have been falling over themselves to find ways to defend the US IVF industry. I'd like to convince you that IVF is a morally complex issue, so complex and tangled that it needs to be regulated. This is the case whether or not you believe that frozen embryos are "extrauterine children" living in a "cryogenic nursery", in the words of the Court.

'Feminist natalism' has failed. Will anything else work?

Louis T. March
It's cold here in the Shenandoah Valley. But holed up at home in the heat, there is ample opportunity for some serious demography reading. The most compelling piece I've stumbled across is Prof. Darel E. Paul's "The Failure of Feminist Natalism". While the title is distinctly non-PC, it is not anti-feminist in the least. Rather, it reveals the sad truth about an unmitigated failure of social policies intended to boost family formation.

Is Abortion Pill Reversal Safe and Effective?

John Stonestreet
Despite progressive states trying to ban APR, the treatment is proving to be safe for moms and lifesaving for babies.

Location, Location, Location

Christopher O. Tollefsen
Location is simply one more of those many factors that make no difference where the most foundational moral principles are concerned. The human embryo is a human being, whether in utero, undergoing cell division in vitro, or temporarily (or permanently) in frozen stasis in a "nursery," as the Alabama Supreme Court tellingly, but somewhat ironically, calls it.

Disability Requires Protection in the Womb

Rachel Roth Aldhizer
If Ms. Cox is unwilling to parent a disabled child, she should terminate her parental rights upon birth, giving others the chance to show charity to a small but greatly treasured life. To hold that child's hand as he or she drew a final breath would be to sit on hallowed ground.

In Vitro Fertilization Ethics

Brian Clowes
The Centers for Disease Control (CDCs) define the general class of "assisted reproductive technologies" (ARTs) as those procedures where eggs or embryos are handled. This involves surgically removing eggs from a woman's body, combining them with sperm in the laboratory, and then returning them to the woman (or another woman). The CDCs do not keep track of procedures where only the sperm is handled, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or procedures where the gametes are not removed from the body.1 The vast majority of all such ARTs consist of the simplest and longest-used procedure, in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Judie Brown
When you see a ghoulish headline within days of celebrating the birth of Christ, it is most certainly distressing. And yet there it is: "UK Scientists Can't Wait to Get Their Hands on Thousands of Frozen Human Embryos."