Gregg, Samuel
8 Articles at

Samuel Gregg is Research Director at the Acton Institute and a Fellow of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University.


Ratzinger's Cross

The second and final volume of a biography of Benedict XVI. Though the Second Vatican Council closed almost six decades ago, its meaning and teachings remain deeply contested today. Some of these debates may subside once the generation of Catholics formed in the Council's immediate aftermath departs the earthly scene. What's not in doubt, however, is that the Catholic Church in the West is a shadow of what it once was.

Date posted: 2021-12-12

Ratzinger's Way

The first of a projected two-volume biography of the theologian-pope underscores his thought's consistency and how it was shaped by Germany's twentieth-century traumas.

Date posted: 2021-01-30

The Post-Liberal Right: The Good, the Bad, and the Perplexing

While the post-liberal right often asks good questions, many of its answers are flawed, grounded on mistaken premises, and deeply misleading.

Date posted: 2020-03-07

How Europe's Way of Denial Became a Way of Death

Europe's immigration woes underscore how much of the continent is living in untruth - in lies that gradually kill. "Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam." "Islam is a religion of peace." These are invariably among the first statements we hear from European politicians following yet another jihadist attack in Western Europe.

Date posted: 2018-03-28

National Sovereignty and the Challenge of Immigration

After topics like abortion and same-sex marriage, few subjects fuel more division than migration. That's partly because of concerns about subjects such as Islamist terrorism, failures to maintain border security, or some American and European political and religious leaders' apparent reluctance to acknowledge such phenomena as real problems. The idea of national sovereignty is indispensable to any coherent discussion of immigration policy.

Date posted: 2017-08-30

John Stuart Mill's Intolerant Faith and the Religion of Liberalism

John Stuart Mill foreshadows the deeply intolerant faith and agenda of contemporary liberalism.

Date posted: 2017-06-21

Neil Gorsuch, Natural Law, and the Limits of Judicial Power

What does natural law say about the power of judges in constitutional systems of government?

Date posted: 2017-03-30

Shedding Light on Progressivism's Dark Side

A new book details the progressive movement's reliance on eugenics and race science as well as its effort to exclude the disabled, blacks, immigrants, the poor, and women from full participation in American society.

Date posted: 2017-02-15