Pope Francis Condemns Abortion: "Unborn Life Has the Right to Exist"


Pope Francis has affirmed "the wonder and joy" of being born in his preface to a new book by scientists exploring the "'miracle' that is life".

Pope Francis has written a preface for a book, Il miracolo della vita (The Miracle of Life), a work examining the subject from a scientific and ultimately pro-life point of view, seeking dialogue with the world.

The work was written collaboratively by authors Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori, Luca Crippa and Gabriele Semprebon.

In his preface, Pope Francis lauded "the qualified contribution of science" to the book, which "shows the beauty of looking at unborn life as the holder of the highest right that belongs to everyone: that of existing".

He also congratulated the authors for taking up his "invitation to return to the theme of abortion by 'listening' to the voice of the embryo... fine-tuned over the millennia of evolution".

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