"What leads to cultural collapse? Human sacrifice. We do that. We do." It became clear that the "human sacrifice" Gibson referred to was abortion, including sacrificing humans outside the womb for lousy policy and leadership. Despite some perceived mild pushback from Rogan, who's more pro-choice, Gibson leaned into the point.
"It's a mess. The human sacrifice aspect is alive and well in our society."
Indeed, it's as alive and well as in Mayan society. It's as Ecclesiastes 1:9 aptly states:
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
Abortion is one of the most prevalent forms of human sacrifice in American society, taking roughly 63 million preborn lives since Roe v. Wade came into law. Though thankfully it's been reversed, Gibson's comments alluded to a more complex issue. Just because a law is gone doesn't mean that the mindset is.