Abortion Can't be Pro-Woman When So Many Women Regret Their Abortions

Janet Morana

Every January since 2003, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign has played an integral role at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Through blizzards and rainstorms and the occasional balmy day, women and men whose children were killed by abortion stand in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building to talk about the worst choice they ever made, a choice made possible by 1973's Roe v. Wade decision.

For many years, March founder Nellie Gray invited women from Silent No More to stand on the rally stage holding signs that say, "I Regret My Abortion." Others, sometimes numbering more than 60, would march holding those signs and then, as marchers reached the Supreme Court, the testimonies would begin.

Every single one breaks my heart.

Ending abortion requires exposing abortion: Showing what it does to the baby, showing what it does to the mother and everyone else. The testimonies given at this gathering expose that damage, as the moms describe how they were deceived into thinking abortion was a solution to their problems, but how they learned - too late - that it only created more problems.

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