The Promotion of Organ Donation and Transplantation


1 Cf. D. F. Miraza et al., "Live-Organ Donation and Transplantation," in P. I. Teraski & J. M. Cecka (eds.), Clinical Transplants (Los Angels: UCLA Tissue Type Lab, 1995) 350-351. [Back]

2 P. Zucchell et al., "Focal Glomerulosclerosis in Patients with Unilateral Nephrectomy," Kidney International 24 (1983) 649-655. [Back]

3 Cf. P. A. Ubel & M. B. Mahowald, "Ethical and Legal Issues Regarding Living Donors," in W. T. Reich (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Bioethics, Vol. VI (New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995) 1866. [Back]

4 G. Benoit et al., "Surgical Complications in Kidney Transplantation," Transplantation Proceedings 26 (1994) 287-288. [Back]

5 Cf. P. Schotsmans, "Responsible Involvement on a Large Scale: The Gift of Life in Implicit Solidarity," in W. Land & J. B. Dossetor (eds.), Organ Replacement Therapy: Ethics, Justice Commerce (Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: 1991) 274. [Back]

6 Cf. W. Land & B. Cohen, "Post-mortem and Living Organ Donation in Europe: Transplant Laws and Activities," Transplantation Proceedings 24 (1992) 2165-2166. [Back]

7 Cf. N. Lempert, "Cadaver Kidney Organ Procurement," in G. J. Cerilli (ed.), Organ Transplantation and Replacement (London: J. B. Lippincott, 1988) 289. [Back]

8 Loka Sabha, The Transplantation of the Human Organs Bill, 1993 as Passed by Rajya Sabha, Report of the Select Committee (New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1993). [Back]

9 Sanjay Nagral, "Ethics of Organ Transplantation," Medical Ethics 3/2 (1995) 20. [Back]

10 Staff Reporter, "Kidney Transplant: A Trade in Madras," Indian Express, December 25, 1990, 8; Raj Chengappa, "The Organs Bazaar," India Today (July 31, 1990) 65. [Back]

11 M. A. Deviah, "The Search for Kidney Donors," Indian Express, 8 December, 1991. [Back]

12 M. S. Venkataraman, "Kidney Donation - Sacrifice or Trade?," The Hindu, 22 July, 1990. [Back]

13 Ibid. [Back]

14 Abullah Daar and Robert A Sells, The Problem of Paid Organ Donation in India (London: A Report Submitted to the Ethical Committee of the Transplantation Society, 1990) 18. [Back]

15 Angana Parekh, "Organ Act to be Finally Notified This Week," Indian Express, 1 February 1995, 1. [Back]

16 Raj Chengappa "The Organs Bazaar," 61. [Back]

17 Thomas A. Shannon (ed.), Bioethics, Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1993) 470. [Back]

18 Staff Reporter, "Doctors Colluding in Kidney Trade," The Hindu, 13 June, 1990. A. P. Pandy was the head of the Department of Urology in the Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore. [Back]

19 Cf. Raj Chengappa, "The Organs Bazaar," 61. [Back]

20 Cf. Abullah Daar and Robert A Sells, The Problem of Paid Organ Donation in India (London: A Report Submitted to the Ethical Committee of the Transplantation Society, 1990) 4, 6. [Back]

21 M. Bhandari, "Current Status of Organ Transplantation in India," 1199. [Back]

22 Cf. (access 16-6-2006). [Back]

23 Transplant surgery is offered by Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Ernakulam; Medical College Calicut; Medical Trust Cochin. Cf. (access 16-6-2006). [Back]

24 K. W. Wildes, "Libertarianism and Ownership of the Human Body," in H. A. M Ten Have, J. V. Welief & S. F. Spicker (eds.), Ownership of the Human Body: Philosophical Considerations on the Use of the Human Body and its Parts in Health Care (Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publications, 1998) 155. [Back]

25 John Paul II, "Blood and Organ Donors," The Pope Speaks 30 (1985) 1. [Back]

26 John Paul II, "Organ Donations: Address of Pope John Paul II to Participants in a Congress on Renal Illness and Transplants, April 30, 1990," The Pope Speaks 35 (1990) 336-337. [Back]

27 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life: Audience of Pope John Paul II to Participants in the First International Congress of the Society of Organ Sharing, June 20, 1991," The Pope Speaks 37 (1992) 12. [Back]

28 Ibid., 13. [Back]

29 Ibid., 14. At the same time John Paul II points out that the integrity of the person can be harmed in organ transplants. He points out that the very sphere where patients look for care can become the place where psychophysical integrity "can be harmed." Cf. John Paul II, "On Medical Ethics," Origins 10 (1980) 352. [Back]

30 John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae (Bombay: Pauline Publications, 1995) 152. [Back]

31 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life," 14. [Back]

32 John Paul II "Special Address on the XVIII World Congress of the Transplantation Society", August 27 - September 1, 2000," Transplantation Proceedings 33 (2001) 32. [Back]

33 R. P. Bulka, "Jewish Perspective on Organ Transplantation," Transplantation Proceedings 22/3 (1990) 945. [Back]

34 S. S. Harakas, Contemporary Moral Issues (Minneapolis: Light & Life Publishing, 1982) 179. [Back]

35 Kuwait Document, Islamic Code of Medical Ethics, First International Conference Islamic Med. organised by International Organis of Islamic Medicine (Kuwait: 1981); http://www. congress/Barca96/Presskit/religion.htm (access 02.03.2001). [Back]

36 S. H. J. Sugunasiri, "The Buddhist View Concerning the Dead Body," Transplantation Proceedings 22 (1990) 948. [Back]

37 W. E. Wiest, "Introduction to Religious Perspectives," in C. D. Keyes (ed.), New Harvest: Transplanting Body Parts and Reaping the Benefits (Clifton, New Jersey: Humana Press, 1991) 184. [Back]

38 M. Lock, "Cultural Aspects of Organ Donation and Transplantation," Transplantation Proceedings 31 (1999) 1345; C. R. Stiller et al., "Living Related Donation," Transplantation Proceedings 17 (1985) 85-100. [Back]

39 Cf. John Paul II, "Special Address to the XVII World Congress of the Transplantation Society", 31; Catechism of the Catholic Church (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1994) 495; U. S. Bishops' Conference, "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Facilities," Origins 24 (1994) 450. [Back]

40 John Paul II, "Special Address to the XVII World Congress of the Transplantation Society, August 27-September 1, 2000," 31. [Back]

41 S. Wilkinson & E. Garrard, "Bodily Integrity and the Sale of Human Organs," Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (1996)335. [Back]

42 Ibid., 335. Sometimes we can see "double altruism cases," which means that someone sells his/her organs to pay for another person's operation. Cf. B. Brecher, "Organs for Transplant: Donation or Payment?," in R. Gillon (ed.), Principles of Health Care Ethics (Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1994) 996. [Back]

43 T. J. O'Donnell, Morals in Medicine (Westminster: The Newman Press, 1956, (2) 1959) 70. [Back]

44 Cf. O. N. Griese, Catholic Identity in Health Care: Principles and Practice (Massachusetts: The Pope John Center, 1987) 215-216. [Back]

45 Pius XII, "Address to the Urologists," October 8, 1953, AAS 45 (1953) 675; Pius XII, "Address to Cornea Donors," May 14, 1956, AAS 48 (1956) 461; A. Regan, "The Basic Morality of Organic Transplants Between Living Humans," Studia Moralia 3 (1965) 329. [Back]

46 Cf. C. McFadden, Medical Ethics (Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 61967) 290. [Back]

47 M. J. Cherry, "Body Parts and the Market Place: Insights from Thomistic Philosophy," Christian Bioethics 6 (2000) 180. [Back]

48 B. M. Ashley & K. D. O'Rourke, Health Care Ethics: A Theological Analysis (St. Louis: The Catholic Health Association of the United States St. Louis, 21982) 44. [Back]

49 B. M. Ashley & K. D. O'Rourke, Health Care Ethics: A Theological Analysis, 311. [Back]

50 B. M. Ashley, Theologies of the Body: Humanist and Christian (Massachusetts: The Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Centre, 1985) 421. [Back]

51 B. M. Ashley & K. D. O'Rourke, Health Care Ethics: A Theological Analysis, 311-312. [Back]

52 National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Facilities (Washington: U. S. Catholic Bishop's Conference, 1975) as quoted in W. E. Stempsey, "Organ Markets and Human Dignity: On Selling your Body and Soul," Christian Bioethics 6 (2000) 195-204, 198. [Back]

53 U. S. Bishops' Conference, "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Facilities," Origins 24 (1994) 450. [Back]

54 D. Lamb "Ethical Aspects of Different Types of Living Organ Donation," in Price, D. P. T. & Akveld, H. (eds.), Living Organ Donation in Nineties: European Medico-Legal Perspectives (Leicester: Eurotold Project, 1995) 48-49. [Back]

55 C. Byk, "Living Organ Donation: European Perspective," in D. P. T. Price & H. Akveld (eds.), Living Organ Donation in Nineties: European Medico-Legal Perspectives (Leicester: Eurotold Project, 1995) 57. [Back]

56 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life: Audience of Pope John Paul II to Participants in the First International Congress of the Society of Organ Sharing, June 20, 1991," The Pope Speaks 37 (1992) 13. [Back]

57 Cf. G. W. Healy, "Moral and Legal Aspects of Transplantation: Prisoners or Death Convicts as Donors," Transplantation Proceedings 30 (1998) 3653. [Back]

58 J. S. Cameron & R. Hoffenberg, "The Ethics of Organ Transplantation Reconsidered: Paid Organ Donation and the Use of Executed Prisoners as Donors," Kidney International 55 (1999) 729-730. [Back]

59 R. A. Sells, "Transplants," Principles of Health Care Ethics (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994) 1004. [Back]

60 H. Nys, "Desirable Characteristics of Living Donation Transplant Legislation," in Price, D. P. T. & Akveld, H. (eds.), Living Organ Donation in Nineties: European Medico-Legal Perspectives (Leicester: Eurotold Project, 1995) 132. [Back]

61 L. Nielsen, "Living Organ Donors: Legal Perspectives from Western Europe," in D. P. T. Price & H. Akveld (eds.), Living Organ Donation in Nineties: European Medico-Legal Perspectives (Leicester: Eurotold Project, 1995) 66. [Back]

62 Ibid., 70. [Back]

63 R. R. Kishore, "Organ Transplanation: Legislative Perspectives and the Indian Law," in D. P. T. Price & H. Akveld (eds.), Living Organ Donation in Nineties: European Medico-Legal Perspectives (Leicester: Eurotold Project, 1995) 81. [Back]

64 Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia (Australia: Catholic Health Australia, 2001) no. 3.24. Transplantation laws discuss different types of cadaveric donations based on consent. See the subsection legal aspect of organ donation and transplantation in this article. [Back]

65 Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers, Charter for Health Care Workers (Vatican City: 1995). [Back]

66 Catholic Health Australia, Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia, 3.23. [Back]

67 B. M. Ashley, Theologies of the Body: Humanist and Christian, 421. [Back]

68 Catechism of the Catholic Church (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1994) 494. [Back]

69 J. Montgomery, Health Care Law (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997) 424. [Back]

70 Catholic Health Australia, Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia, 3.17. [Back]

71 Ibid., 3.29. [Back]

72 Cf. J. Rendtorff & P. Kemp, Basic Ethical Principles in European Bioethics and Biolaw, Vol. 1 (Copenhagen: Center for Ethics and Law, 2000) 49. [Back]

73 M. Merleau-Ponty, Le philosophe et son ombre (Paris: Gallimard, 1960) 52ff as quoted in F. J. Illhardt, "Ownership of the Human Body: Deontological Approaches," in H. A. M. Ten Have, J. V. M. Welie & S. F. Spicker (Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998) 200. [Back]

74 A. S. Daar et al., "Ethics and Commerce in Live Donor Renal Transplantation: Classification of the Issues," Transplantation Proceedings 22/3 (1990) 923. [Back]

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