Surely you have heard: The IUD is not a solution

Antun Lisec
Reproduced with Permission

The IUD (intrauterine device) works as an abortifacient. While using the IUD, fertilization occurs a few times a year, as confirmed by early pregnancy tests (beta HCG). But, the IUD does not allow the implantation of the conceived baby into the womb, and the child usually dies, most often, when it is one or two weeks old.

Fertilization occurs approximately two weeks before expected menstruation. The IUD kills the baby most often just before expected menstruation. In such a situation bleeding still occurs, although the woman may think she was not pregnant when, in fact, she was.

Struggling for life, the baby sometimes still implants into the womb, and menstruation does not occur. In that case, the IUD still tries to throw out the child, even after implantation.

Remember, abortion is never allowed!

The IUD is a foreign body and because of this, a reaction of the tissues occurs. Because of the IUD in the womb, infection appears, which can be spread into the Fallopian tubes and even into the whole abdomen. In the tubes adhesions may appear, causing obstruction and, therefore, infertility or ectopic pregnancies.

Infections which come into the abdomen develop festering peritonitis. In that case, poisoning of the blood stream (sepsis), can occur and the woman may die suffering great pain and torment.

Because of anemia, women become pale, nervous, tired, lose concentration, experience blackouts and even faint and collapse. The IUD also can perforate the uterus. In the United States, the businesses producing IUDs became bankrupt, since they had to pay compensation to the women because of the side effects.

Pill is not a solution

The Pill contains artificial hormones which cause a healthy woman to become sick. Such women are prone to skin cancer, breast cancer, and cancer of the womb. They experience heart attacks and strokes. More often they become ill due to infectious diseases because these hormones are similar to corticosteroid (i.e. they suppress the immune system).

The Pill damages optical nerves and the liver, and causes disturbances in blood coagulation. Women on the Pill suffer phlebitis and blood clots which can float through the blood stream, causing embolisms in the lungs etc.

There are four ways in which the Pill works:

It is necessary to stress that the Pill is not the medicine for women who have irregular cycles. Irregular cycles most often are not illnesses nor diseases. Menstruation can come late because this month ovulation occurred late, as a result of stressful situations. The Pill doesn't repair the condition, and the bleeding which happens when one stops taking the Pill, is not true menstruation.

In the case of a woman who is really ill, for example if she has a tumor of the pituitary gland, the Pill only postpones the right diagnosis and treatment.

As you see from the above text, there are different so called "contraception means" through which fertilization occurs and which kill babies usually in the first days of their life. Such a means kill approximately the same number of children as so called "surgical" abortions. It has even been recently discovered that it is possible for spermicides to cause the death of a child when fertilization occurs because most of them contain "nonoxynol 9". The contraception deceptions have no limits.

While taking Depo-Provera, implants, different postcoital means, etc., fertilization also occurs and such means automatically kill babies. Jesus said: "Truly, I say to you: whenever you did this to one of the least, of these my brothers, you did it to Me." (Matthew 25:40).

Therefore, since these tiny newly-conceived babies are the "least" of our brothers and sisters, what we do to them is what we do to Jesus.

What is the solution?

The solution is to love children, to be generous towards them, and not to be afraid of them. It is necessary to respect pre-marital chastity and fidelity in marriage, to respect the fact that human sexuality may not be used outside of such marriage which was blessed by God and which is indissoluble.

Do not participate in, nor allow prenatal diagnostic procedures with the intention to find and kill a sick baby. What is not allowed to be done for the sick born, is not allowed for the sick unborn!

Do not forget that sins are: contraception, sterilization, the killing of a man from the moment of fertilization and different artificial methods in which the fertilization occurs without the specific act of the conjugal love of the parents ("in vitro" and artificial insemination). And, sins are never allowed. Sins are not a solution of any problem, they only bring new problems.

When there is a serious and justifiable reason to avoid the conception, there is the solution without the sin. It is natural method which requires the abstinence during the fertile part of woman's cycle.

During the majority of the days in a month a woman is not fertile. Fertile and infertile days can now easily be established even in the most irregular cycle with the help of the Billings or the Sympto-thermal natural method. Natural methods do not cost anything, they do not have any ill-affects on health. They are safer than artificial methods. Most Catholic parish offices have literature explaining natural methods. Please, distribute the information which you have found here to the others, motivating them to respect human life and moral values, to avoid participating in the killing of people from the moment of fertilization without exception, and to avoid participating in any sin.

New problem: AIDS

As the world is now beeing destroyed by abortion, contraception and sterilization, the world is also being destroyed by AIDS, which can be transmitted even by a kiss, because the saliva contains a lot of lymphocytes and viruses.

Minimal infectious dose (minimal number of the viruses sufficient for infection) in the case of AIDS is not known, and it automaticallyÊmeans that we have to avoid the entry into the body even of the smallest quantities of viruses.

Infections by AIDS have been documented also in spite of using the sinful condom.

Many HIV positive people do not know that they are infected, because the average period of incubation is ten years!

Do not forget that virus causing AIDS stays alive at room temperature, outside the body, for more than two weeks!

The solution is to respect the Ten Commandments given by God, and to make several tests on HIV infection before the wedding.

It is necessary each day to pray to God, asking Him to tell us what more we can do for the protection of jeopardized human lives and moral values!
