Grace for Grace

Joyce C. Lock
Reproduced with Permission

Grace: God's unmerited favor, unconditional love, when we get what we don't deserve, when we get something far greater than anything we deserved, when we hit the end of the road and find a second chance, salvation, forgiveness.

When your child has been severely injured, due to your neglect, yet they recover without permanent scars -- then you know grace.

When you've been unfaithful to your mate and that love is restored -- then you know grace.

When you've made a mistake of catastrophic proportion and someone else pays your bill -- then you know grace.

Grace looses clinical definition when it happens when it happens to you -- when it becomes very real, personal, and undefinably joyful.

Jesus gave his life to pay our debt and give us this wonderful gift of grace. He only asks one thing in return, "Love one another as I have loved you," John 15:12. It's our way of saying, "Thank you!"

© by Joyce C. Lock
