We Should have Compassion for Babies, Born and Unborn

Maria Gallagher

The importance of a single life -- specifically, a baby's life -- to change the world can never be underestimated.

I was reminded of this critical truth one time when I was watching an interview on a cable television news program.

The interviewee was a man who had served time in prison, had reformed his life, and was now working to help other men behind bars find renewed hope and meaning.

The man, who had been raised in a gang-driven culture, credited his daughter for turning his life around. When he held her in his arms, something changed inside of him -- and that change led to his redemption.

This is just one example of how the presence of a baby can dramatically alter the course of history -- for the better. Babies force us to call upon the better angels of our nature...to respond to the world with compassion and love.

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