Lifeissues is mainly concerned with publishing thoughtful articles directly related to issues raised in Evangelium Vitae. However, from the very beginning, we have also published a few related homilies, notably by Fr. Al Cariño, O.M.I., Fr. Tony Pueyo, and others.
Please use the pulldowns below to select a homily by Liturgical Calendar date.
God's formula for salvation includes grace and faith. When you put the two together, the result is good works.
God offers salvation through simple belief. Salvation is God's initiative, not ours. We do nothing to cause it or earn it. It was already there before we knew we needed it. Jesus Christ in his ministry is living proof of this. This is our message to the world.
We can refuse to cooperate with sufficient grace, and if we do so, that is our doing. But the mysterious side of this is that if we do cooperate with divine grace, that is itself a grace. Our cooperation is a grace, and the credit goes to God, not us.