
Lifeissues is mainly concerned with publishing thoughtful articles directly related to issues raised in Evangelium Vitae. However, from the very beginning, we have also published a few related homilies, notably by Fr. Al Cariño, O.M.I., Fr. Tony Pueyo, and others.

Please use the pulldowns below to select a homily by Liturgical Calendar date.

New! Give them Hell!
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B)

Douglas McManaman
Synopsis: Hell is one of the greatest signs of God's love for us. He loves us so much that He will allow us to reject Him for all eternity.

New! A mighty deed for "the little ones"

Tom Bartolomeo
Parents can find help raising their children in the faith outside the usual sources. All it takes is determination and faith.

New! All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (9/26/21 Ordinary Time 26)

Proclaim Sermons
When the apostle John catches others healing others in the name of Jesus, he tries to put a stop to it, but Jesus will have none of it. We are on the same side. God's audacious aim is to save the whole world. Therefore, whoever is not against us is for us. Isn't it just like God to be merciful and hopeful about everyone? Including us.

New! Healing Without a License (Original Times 26)

Proclaim Sermons
When it comes to dialogue with those who believe differently, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar (as the saying goes).

New! Pray to Want, not to Know

Douglas McManaman
Sin blinds, and so although I want to eradicate sin in my life, I don't always see what is genuinely sinful, because of ignorance or worse, my own willful blindness. The one way out of this difficulty is to pray to want to see what God wants me to see.