Lifeissues is mainly concerned with publishing thoughtful articles directly related to issues raised in Evangelium Vitae. However, from the very beginning, we have also published a few related homilies, notably by Fr. Al Cariño, O.M.I., Fr. Tony Pueyo, and others.
Please use the pulldowns below to select a homily by Liturgical Calendar date.
Jesus calls all of us, would cast all of us in his eternal peace and glory. Our lives are in rehearsal for Christ's second coming. Lord, may we all be ready. For "many are called but few are chosen". Lord, help our unbelief.
In both the sacrificial system of the Hebrew Bible and the sacraments of the Christian faith, God works to bridge the broken relationship between God and humanity.
Jesus on the Cross, like the priests of ancient times, did something for us that we cannot do for ourselves. What happened to Jesus on the Cross was a priestly act which "removed sin," once and for all time. He was " bear the sins of many." We are called, not only to take courage in our acknowledgment of his triumph over death, but to acknowledge the universal and eternal validity of his spiritual ministry, as well as to carry it forward.
Most people's lives are governed by fear, and the result is they put themselves first. When that happens on a social scale, we are left with a highly individualistic society in which each person looks after himself or herself, and those who cannot manage for whatever reason are left on the margins to fend for themselves. A good and just society is always looking for improved ways to care for and support those who find themselves in such a predicament. An unjust society is one that simply accepts this state of affairs such that nothing changes from one generation to the next.