
Lifeissues is mainly concerned with publishing thoughtful articles directly related to issues raised in Evangelium Vitae. However, from the very beginning, we have also published a few related homilies, notably by Fr. Al Cariño, O.M.I., Fr. Tony Pueyo, and others.

Please use the pulldowns below to select a homily by Liturgical Calendar date.

New! God or Money?
25th Sunday of the Year (C)

Antonio P. Pueyo
'No man can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and money.' Making money takes second place to pleasing God. If the means by which we acquire wealth is displeasing to God, then we are making money more important than God. We have to acquire wealth through moral and legal means, not through cheating or oppressing others.

New! Blue skies, nothing but blue skies do I see

Tom Bartolomeo
We humans live our lives in bits and pieces, a puzzle of sorts. The puzzle like our lives may eventually be taken apart and packed up for another day for completion. Maybe. We could take the pieces of the puzzle and throw them on a table and God would instantaneously know not only where all the pieces go but why.

New! The Sure Thing. (ordinary 25, 2022)

Proclaim Sermons
If only people of faith could show the same enthusiasm for giving that greedy people show for accumulating wealth!