Githens, Anna
1 Articles at

An ardent defender of life, liberty, and traditional American values, Anna Githens has held many different jobs in various fields, most recently in the teaching profession. The time she spent with the children opened her eyes to what she believes is presently a much greater need - teaching adolescents about God's unconditional love for them. She noticed a significant lack of spirituality in the many emotionally troubled children she witnessed, which gave her the impetus to study theology. She has been a Catechist for the past 14 years, and is currently helping the Rite of Christian Initiation group teach and prepare catechumen candidates for Confirmation.


The complicated convenience of contraception

After approximately 40 years of rebuffing the Church's admonitions I've finally come to see the wisdom behind the admonishment. Or more precisely, her natural and protective instinct behind her loving reproof.

Date posted: 2013-08-01