Kralis , Barbara
68 Articles at

Barbara Kralis, the article's author, writes for various Christian and conservative publications. She is a regular columnist at Catholic Online (, Life Issues, The Wanderer newspaper, New Oxford Review Magazine, Washington Dispatch, Catholic Citizens, Illinois Leader, NewsBull, MichNews, Intellectual Conservative, Phil Brennan's WOW, ChronWatch and others. Her first journalism position was with Boston Herald Traveler, l964. Barbara published and edited 'Semper Fidelis' Catholic print newsletter. She and her husband, Mitch, live in the great State of Texas, and co-direct the Jesus Through Mary Catholic Foundation. She can be reached at: Contact:



Citizen Trump's prima facie defense

On January 13, 2021, President Donald Trump was falsely impeached for the second time by the rabid Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. With a 232-197 vote, the House adopted one article of impeachment against President Trump: incitement of insurrection at the Capitol.

Date posted: 2022-02-09

Why Biden and Pelosi can't receive Holy Eucharist

"Several U.S. bishops have recently voiced their opposition and ersatz reasoning why no one should be denied the Eucharist according to Code of Canon Law n. 915.

Date posted: 2021-10-08

Donald Trump, 'Temps Immemorial'

Like the mythological bird from paradise, Donald Trump helped America rise again and then again, against all odds, during his first four years in office - just like the Phoenix, which could be reborn over and over and over again.

Date posted: 2020-10-16

The Biblical End of Time

We live today in a most difficult time, perhaps the time foretold by the Holy prophets before us when Satanic evil will happen so quickly and so often that it will be impossible to keep up with it all.

Date posted: 2020-09-29

Can America stop the mail-in voter scam of 2020?

America's election mail-in ballot scam has been a huge problem the last four national elections (2012 thru 2018). Is there any solution that can be applied with only 40-some days until the November 3, 2020 election?

Date posted: 2020-09-24

How to get through the day

The prevalent "outing" of immoral world Catholic hierarchy at the highest levels is giving a poor example to families worldwide. People ask, "Who do we follow? Who do we trust anymore? How do we get through the day?"

Date posted: 2020-09-11

Where is the BLM outrage?

Will someone remind the anti-American BLM (Black Lives Matter) rioters and protesters that black populations today in Africa are still being sold as slaves - for example, in Libya, where thriving "slave markets" are buying and selling African migrants and refugees. Where is the BLM outrage?

Date posted: 2020-06-22

President Trump reconsecrated our nation back to Christ

On the first day of June, in the year two thousand and twenty, President Donald J. Trump reconsecrated our United States of America back to God.

Date posted: 2020-06-02

How airplane travel circulates airborne disease

In the old days during the Golden Age of Airline Travel, in the early and mid-1960s, all U.S. airlines allowed their pilots to direct fresh outside air at 35,000 altitude to circulate and refresh the inside cabin air.

Date posted: 2020-03-10

Don't mess with Texas

We arrived at 7 am that morning for class, and we got home after midnight that same long day. Every five years, a Texas licensed gun carrier must renew the Texas law classroom work, but he or she does not need to qualify at the range again, nor take a written test.

Date posted: 2020-01-06

Governor Cuomo disappoints his church again

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has again threatened his people with extreme abortion legislation that only causes a further deChristianization of the state's culture.

Date posted: 2019-02-10

Archbishop Naumann fails to do his duty, again!

Archbishop Naumann recently wrote a column to all the Catholic Church's members, to all of us, explaining his plan to stop manifest sinners from receiving Holy Communion.

Date posted: 2019-02-08

When ordinary men become co-redeemers with Christ

Throughout the history of mankind, God has used the most unlikely ordinary souls to fulfill His Divine Plan by giving them extraordinary charisms.

Date posted: 2018-04-16

Abortifacients - Pharmakeia & Sorcery

Recently it was learned that New York City is dispensing the abortifacient 'morning-after pill' [Mifeprex, Mifepristone and Methotrexate] to high school girls' ages 14 or older in more than 50 public schools. The Catholic Church has always condemned all forms of contraception, including hormonal pills and implanted devices. On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae which upheld the consistent teaching of the Church based on natural law as well as divine revelation: "Each and every marriage act must remain open to the transmission of life" (n.11).

Date posted: 2012-10-13

Eradicating Minorities

Abortion providers -- such as Planned Parenthood [PP], with their 850 U.S. abortion mills -- certainly know of the power of a single, truthful graphic photograph to change a person's conscience and heart.

Date posted: 2011-03-14

Some comparisons between Wall Street and Catholic Church

The Code of Canon Law, particularly c. 915, is not obeyed by most U.S. bishops. This code forbids sacrilegious reception of the Eucharist by persons who persistently remain obstinate in their manifest, grave sin. That's the crux of our entire faith, belief in the Eucharist. Almost all U.S. Bishops have lost their belief in the Eucharist and thereby allow pro-abortion politicians to continue to sacrilegiously receive the Eucharist. One Archbishop allows his pro-abortion Catholic Governor to receive sacrilegiously each Sunday in a parish just steps from his chancery office.

Date posted: 2009-09-20

Administrator of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston stepped in it... Part Two

In this second part, let's examine what the Catholic Church, its Popes and those Bishops in unions with the Pope, teaches us about its Church members forming right consciences, wrongly voting for pro-abortion politicians, and being worthy to receive Holy Communion.

Date posted: 2008-11-19

Administrator of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston stepped in it... Part One

The column asks several important questions of the Denver Archbishop and all bishops in general.

Date posted: 2008-11-19

How many times do we have to say 'NO' to same-sex marriage?

California voters are once again fighting for the 'life of the family.' Same sex marriage is on their November ballot for the second time, bringing many people to ask: How many times do we have to say "No" to sodomy?

Date posted: 2008-11-02

A Catholic bishop's interview confuses the already confused

The bishop's inaction against pro-abortion politicians leads some to wonder why we need to pay for a 'Conference of Bishops' or an expensive USCCB organization, with hundreds of employees at their massive Washington, D.C. headquarters, when they have decided to each go their own way, agree to do their own governing and discipline regardless of what the Pope and Canon Law mandates?

Date posted: 2008-10-19

Will Denver Catholic Archbishop finally enforce Canon 915?

Pope Benedict and the Bishops who teach in union with the Pope speak loud and clear what the church's priorities are for voting as a Catholic. They teach that one may not consider other human conditions without giving first predominant consideration of the five most important conditions of the right to life: abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, cloning and same-sex marriage.

Date posted: 2008-08-25

Exposure of evil makes way for the good

Pro-life people unambiguously value human life from its conception in the womb to its natural death, and therefore certainly want to protect the safety and well-being of those among us who are vulnerable to trafficking and slavery. An increasing number of faith-based groups are joining the battle.

Date posted: 2007-03-19

A plea to the Pope for help

Of the many attacks against the Catholic Church today, most all come from members within the Church. In fact, reports from Rome indicate that the Pope is isolated and resisted at the Vatican. Phil Lawler of Catholic World News translates Italian journalist Ignazio Ingrao as saying. "The Pontiff has faced stiff resistance in his effort to reform the Roman Curia and to broaden access to the traditional Mass."

Date posted: 2007-02-23

The hope that no one should be a slave

Slavery is an issue that affects everyone, everywhere. Thankfully, there are many effective efforts that show promise of helping to end human slavery.

Date posted: 2007-02-22

Catholic Church fights human trafficking & slavery

The Catholic Church has assumed a pastoral responsibility to promote the human dignity of persons exploited through trafficking and slavery and to advocate for their liberation and economic, educational, and formative support.

Date posted: 2007-02-11

U.S. government leads battle against trafficking

The United States is leading the global battle to fight human trafficking and the slavery usually attached to it. The U.S. government has declared such human trafficking one of the greatest threats to human dignity. Condemning this scourge and remaining firmly committed to protecting victims who fall prey to traffickers, the U.S. government has invested over hundreds of millions of dollars on anti-trafficking efforts worldwide. In 2004 alone, the U.S. government spent $81.8 million abroad, to combat human trafficking internationally.

Date posted: 2007-01-09

Smart raids and rescues of slaves

For the most part, criminal traffickers and slave lords are not recognizable thugs, but are usually known as "respectable" businessmen within their communities. Due to the clandestine nature of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, it is most difficult to identify and bring closure to a concealed trafficking ring. In many countries, law enforcement agencies are corrupt and actually enable trafficking and slavery to operate and flourish. Because of fear for their lives and fear against corrupt police, victims are themselves unable to escape from their involuntary servitude without outside expert help.

Date posted: 2006-12-23

How trafficking scams work

Human trafficking takes root in industries that already are known to have labor violations — sub-poverty wages, no benefits, no labor relations, and illegal immigrants. Trafficking does not have its own common business model or principle, but will cleverly mimic lawful global industries and cultures.

Date posted: 2006-11-25

Human trafficking: a trans-national criminal enterprise

Trafficking of humans for slavery is a trans-national criminal enterprise that typically is found in regions plagued by poverty, instability of government, and corruption of law enforcement. Crime lords and gangs lure vulnerable men, women, and children with promises of work and education to other lands, only to funnel huge profits into the coffers of organized criminals.

Date posted: 2006-10-31

Child slaves for sport

Thousands of children as young as two years of age from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sudan are trafficked each year into the Persian Gulf states' dangerous camel racing industry. Trained as camel jockeys, they are often sexually and physically abused, as well as deliberately starved to prevent weight gain. Living in camps encircled with barbed wire near racetracks, the children are dependent upon their cruel captors for survival. Many of the boys crushed by falling camels never receive medical treatment to their broken bodies.

Date posted: 2006-10-01

Involuntary human servitude

This sordid form of servitude is experienced mainly by migrant low-skilled laborers trafficked into prosperous areas from poverty-stricken communities under the guise of paid labor. Victims find shortly after arrival that they cannot escape their working conditions without beatings and the threat of deportation or imprisonment. Experiencing physical and emotional abuse, they perceive themselves to be slaves or captives, as they often are.

Date posted: 2006-10-01

Combatant human slaves

Wars produce slaves used by the triumphant forces, who often sexually abuse women and children taken from ravished war-torn villages. The U.S. State Department reports that adult and child males in defeated villages may be turned into forced laborers or soldiers, even pushed to commit atrocities against their own families and communities. Their communities often reject returning child soldiers.

Date posted: 2006-09-24

Slavery as domestic servitude

Human slavery exists as "domestic servitude" in thousands of households throughout the world. In most cases, domestic servitude among women and children also includes violence and rape, and takes place in wealthier countries of the Persian Gulf, Asia, France, and the United States. Islam encourages men to marry needy women. A Muslim man can have four wives at a time, and some are treated as slaves or sex objects.

Date posted: 2006-09-09

Child sex tourism

Child Sex Tourism [CST] entails tourists, mostly men, engaged in sex trafficking by purposely traveling to known sex destinations, seeking anonymity in pornography or prostitution, or engaging in pederasty with young children and homosexuality with young and older adults.

Date posted: 2006-08-30

Different forms of human slavery

Despite centuries of struggle, slavery has not been eradicated from our world. Slavery is readily found on the farms of India, the heritable debt-bondage brick making kilns of Pakistan, and the cocoa plantations of Cote d'Ivoire.

Date posted: 2006-08-11

Modern day slavery flourishes

Working 18 hours a day, the victims are locked away, sometimes shackled at night, so they cannot run away. The disposable, reusable, expendable people are uncared for, and beaten for the slightest disobediences. If they attempt escape, their punishment is life threatening. When they can no longer produce their quota of labor, they are simply thrown away, discarded.

Date posted: 2006-08-02

21st Century slavery

Through research and exclusive interviews with world authorities on human trafficking and slavery, this writer discovered a shocking world that harbors brothels filled with kidnapped women and girls enslaved in prostitution, of wealthy households that victimize women and girls in forced domestic servitude and sex, of young children living in cages beside their workplace.

Date posted: 2006-07-31

Fired for speaking the truth

Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. fired Smith on June 15 because he spoke against sodomy during a local cable television round-table discussion. During a taped June 9 weekly-televised show, Smith told the program's discussion panel that same-sex marriage was wrong and homosexuality was a deviancy.

Date posted: 2006-06-17

Lies exposed by photos and videos

Where is the world's horrified reaction to the l.5 million live abortions a year in the U.S. alone? Who could imagine such ghoulish procedures performed by licensed doctors at the mother's request - a heinous crime against humanity that she willing pays for. Could not a prosecuting attorney make a case of 'murder for hire' - the woman pays the doctor, the doctor kills the baby?

Date posted: 2006-02-11

The Heroic Battle of the United States to Preserve the Sacred Covenant of Marriage (4)

We must never give up the heroic battle to preserve the sacred covenant of marriage between one man and one woman who cooperate with God in the creation of a new human person, destined for eternal life.

Date posted: 2005-10-14

The Heroic Battle of the United States to Preserve the Sacred Covenant of Marriage (3)

Texas Church leaders of all denominations must speak out boldly and clearly of the immoral truths of same-sex marriage. Texas Catholic archbishops, bishops, and priests must clearly remind their flock that practicing and/or promoting same-sex marriage and civil unions separates one from communion with the Catholic Church.

Date posted: 2005-10-12

The Heroic Battle of the United States to Preserve the Sacred Covenant of Marriage (2)

We are witnessing an intense period of attack upon traditional marriage from gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender [GLBT] groups throughout America. The 2000 census showed 600,000 same-sex couples in the nation, while the 1990 version found 150,000.

Date posted: 2005-10-03

The Heroic Battle of the United States to Preserve the Sacred Covenant of Marriage (1)

Same-sex marriage, and other 'de facto unions,' part of a new ideology of insidious and hidden evil, attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man. Even if the majority of the people supported same-sex marriage and civil unions [and they don't] making them the equivalent to traditional marriage [and they are not], the majority would be gravely wrong.

Date posted: 2005-10-01

'Catholics Supporting the Denial of 'Nutrition and Hydration' are not in Communion With the Church'

It is a rare person who has not heard of the recent cruel homicide of the Florida woman, Terri Schiavo. Everyone, it seemed, had a strong opinion on the subject. Yet, despite clear moral teachings on the evils of euthanasia, there are 'Catholics' who boast support for euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide. Are these 'Catholics' badly formed and ignorant of their Church's infallible teachings on the dignity and sacredness of all human life? Is it the fault of Catholic clergy for not preaching the Church's teachings from the pulpit?

Date posted: 2005-06-08

Benedict XVI - 'Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia'

"Being an 'Adult' means having a faith which does not follow the waves of today's fashions or the latest novelties. A faith which is deeply rooted in friendship with Christ is adult and mature."

Date posted: 2005-04-23

Is Fr. Bouchard a heterodox dissident vis-a-vis Terri Schiavo?

Why would the influential president of a Catholic Dominican theological institute recently teach moral theology that is markedly different than that of Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Church?

Date posted: 2005-03-25

Activist Judge Greer plays 'God' as arbiter of life and death

America suffers from the rule of judges supplanting the rule of law and the will of the people. Men in black robes, rather than legislators, are making and repealing laws. Man's laws and natural laws are being undermined not by legal reasoning but fiat.

Date posted: 2005-03-14

U.S. Archbishop issues perplexing "clarification" statement

Juridically, why can't this teacher of faith see the clarity and simplicity of Cardinal Arinze's recent admonition: "Rainbow Sash wearers are showing their opposition to Church teaching on a major issue of natural law and so disqualify themselves from being given Holy Communion."

Date posted: 2005-02-02

Cardinal Arinze denies he approved U.S. Archbishop giving sash wearing "gays" Holy Communion

During the past five years, at the time of the Catholic Church's most holy day of Pentecost Sunday, openly 'gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender' persons wearing rainbow colored body sashes have gathered in large groups inside several U.S. Cathedrals to protest the Church's teachings and divine laws against sodomy.

Date posted: 2005-01-24

Will the silence of most U.S. Catholic Bishops help elect a Presidential candidate who promotes procured abortion and supports same-sex marriage?

Some have suggested that the silence of most of the Bishops is because U.S. clergy... fear losing more money donated in weekly offertory collections? Do some U.S. Bishops fear offending powerful Democrat parishioners?

Date posted: 2004-10-15

Limiting the harm using proportionate reasons

We witness today the same accusations St. Paul endured, this time aimed at a Catholic Cardinal and a Catholic Bishop. Noteworthy, the accusations come from a diverse group of people nationwide who know not what they say.

Date posted: 2004-09-15

Appeal to the Holy Father on behalf of Terri Schiavo

We beseech you, Holy Father, to help us save Terri Schiavos precious life. Time is of the essence. Terri has only a short time left before her water and food are in all probability removed in a third attempt of euthanasia.

Date posted: 2004-09-13

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, the new 'John Fisher'

These six questions were asked Archbishop Burke regarding a memorandum addressed to Cardinal McCarrick, chair of the USCCB's 'Task Force' committee by Cardinal Ratzinger and to Bishop Gregory.

Date posted: 2004-08-06

Bishop Vasa - A Shepherd for our Time

Bishop Vasa will deny Senator Kerry the Eucharist. He is no stranger to controversy nor does he shy away from defending Church teachings.

Date posted: 2004-07-19

Cardinal Ratzinger said, "The minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it." He did not say 'could,' or 'may,' but that he "must."

Is it possible that after so much scandal and hurt in the Catholic Church, Bishop Wilton Gregory and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick would withhold and distort an important memo written by the head of the Vatican's second most important dicastery of the Roman Curia?

Date posted: 2004-07-08

Prohibition is worthless without enforcement

It is well known that a large number of Catholic faithful have petitioned their bishops to address the scandal of sacrilegious reception of the Eucharist by manifest sinners who obstinately persist in their grave sin. They asked why c. 915 of the Code of Canon Law is not being enforced in all dioceses.

Date posted: 2004-06-25

Is not murder just as evil as lust in the eyes of God?

We have watched Cardinal George in Chicago and Cardinal McCarrick in Washington D.C. rightfully deny Holy Communion to manifest sodomites wearing Rainbow sashes. However, the Cardinals have said that they will not deny Holy Communion to manifest pro-abortion politicians. Is not murder just as evil as lust in the eyes of God?

Date posted: 2004-06-08

Ten questions regarding the denial of the Eucharist.

Several U.S. bishops have recently voiced their opposition and ersatz reasoning why no one should be denied the Eucharist according to Code of Canon Law n. 915. Those in the pews are perplexed. Which bishop is correct? Why would some bishops teach that the laws are binding and other bishops teach that they are not?

Date posted: 2004-05-26

Why is the scandal permitted?

In times of great crisis there are two types of men: those who are overwhelmed by the crisis and those who rise up to resist the trend of events and so change the course of history.

Date posted: 2004-05-18

Is Governor McGreevey ripe for a conversion?

A surprising turn of events recently took place on the political scene. It may have gone unnoticed by most of the top analysts, politicos and pundits, but it has given many faithful Catholics a sign of hope.

Date posted: 2004-05-09

The Pope Has No Prisons for Disobedient Hierarchy

If every cardinal, bishop, priest, and layman submitted to the authority of the Pope, as they are obligated to do, the Catholic church would not be suffering its current great infirmity - we might even say, its schismata.

Date posted: 2004-04-28

Bishop Bruskewitz will deny Kerry the Eucharist

Referring to canon 915, Bruskewitz said, "We agree completely with Archbishop Raymond Burke in the action he has taken and we would take the same action in the diocese of Lincoln with regard to manifest, persistent, obstinate sinners, including politicians, regardless of which diocese they are from."

Date posted: 2004-04-07

Is the Church serving two masters -- politicians and God?

Will the Catholic Bishops be responsible for the election of pro abortion, pro euthanasia John Kerry because the message they are currently sending to all Americans is that being pro abortion is not a grave offense against God? Could the real reason be U.S. Bishops fear losing their Catholic tax exemption on their land and assets nationwide?

Date posted: 2004-04-06

The real moral panic

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D., president of NARTH, an association of psychiatrists, psychologists and other health professionals who investigate and treat same-sex attractions, notes that "There is no scientific research indicating a biological or genetic cause of homosexuality. Biological factors may play a role in the predisposition to homosexuality. However, this is true of many other psychological conditions."

Date posted: 2004-04-05

A Primer on Canon 915

Archbishop Burke said the most compelling reason why he issued the canonical notification (c.915) was the many letters written by his flock to press him to refuse the Eucharist to pro abortion politicians. "It's a serious situation in our country; we need more good statesmen... I did not excommunicate these politicians; however, if they persist in their sin in a public way, there will be further sanctions against the politicians."

Date posted: 2004-04-04

Who says it's not a good time to end abortion?

Consistency is faithfulness. Pope John Paul II said, "But all faithfulness must pass the more exacting test of duration. It is easy to be consistent for a day or two. It is difficult and important to be consistent one's whole life. It is easy to be consistent in the hour of enthusiasm; it is difficult to be so in the hour of tribulation. And only a consistency that lasts throughout the whole life can be called faithfulness."

Date posted: 2004-04-04

The Pill From Hell

After listening to numerous pro life doctors, bioethicists and leaders warn of the dangers of allowing the abortifacient pill "Plan B" to be sold over the counter, the U.S. advisory panel to the FDA voted to recommend allowing the "morning after" contraceptive pill to be sold without a prescription. The pill is intended for use by women within 72 hours after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Barbara Kralis discusses this issue and its ramifications for our country.

Date posted: 2004-03-04

An Open Letter To The Catholic Bishops of The USA

Your Excellencies, I beg you to speak out boldly on behalf of Terri Schiavo, on behalf of the new legislation called "Terri's Law" which is being heavily challenged by the "right to die" groups, on behalf of all the disabled and elderly who are being murdered every day through the horrifically painful withdrawal of ANAH just because someone deems them "unsuitable" to live.

Date posted: 2003-11-13