Lanfranchi, Angela
3 Articles at

Angela Lanfranchi, MD, FACS
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery
UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center


The Pill Kills

It is imperative that everyone understand the devastating effects of the birth control pill. American Life League is hosting its annual The Pill Kills event on June 2, in Washington, D.C. Today's commentary addresses reasons why women should never put these chemicals into their bodies.

Date posted: 2012-07-11

Breast Cancer: Risks and Prevention

Over the last thirty years, while most major cancers have started to decline, breast cancer incidence in the US has increased by an alarming 40%. Most of this increase has occurred in the authors' generation, the generation of "Women's Lib." It has been the authors' hope that, armed with full and accurate information, women can make healthier choices that will minimize their risk of breast cancer. The third edition has been greatly expanded, with particular emphasis on dietary and lifestyle factors, such as alternatives to hormone use for contraception and postmenopausal medication. The reference list has also been updated and expanded.

Date posted: 2012-03-02

Decades of Hope

Breast cancer not only affects A woman. It affects her spouse, family, friends and most especially her children. Yet what we see here today are examples of women who rose to that challenge. What better way to conquer fear than the grace of hope. Hope in a cure. Hope in prevention. Hope that whatever it is they will be challenged with, that they will be able to surmount it and live their lives to fullest each day into their survivorship.

Date posted: 2010-10-23