Sax, Leonard
2 Articles at

Leonard Sax MD PhD is a practicing family physician and the author of four books for parents, including Boys Adrift, Girls on the Edge, The Collapse of Parenting, and Why Gender Matters: what parents and teachers need to know about the emerging science of sex differences (Harmony, 2017). More information is online at


Living with Uncertainty

It is a cliche to say that religious faith helps people to cope with stress. As with many cliches, this one is both true and false. How one uses religion to cope with stress is key.

Date posted: 2020-06-02

Politicizing Pediatrics: How the AAP's Transgender Guidelines Undermine Trust in Medical Authority

The five-year-old boy who transitions to identify as a girl has taken a major step on a road that may lead to treatment with cross-sex hormones, castration, and infertility. Most five-year-old boys who say they are girls will not persist: fifteen years later, in the great majority of cases, that boy will say he is a man, not a woman. But the American Academy of Pediatrics is now on record prioritizing the opinion of a five-year-old over the considered judgment of the child's parents.

Date posted: 2019-03-25