"Pornography" TV's New Taboo Word

Judith Reisman
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
December 15, 2005
Reproduced with Permission

Following a recent interview for yet another documentary on pornography, I thought of so many things I should have said about pornography.

I had discussed its role as producing impotence, robbing men of their manhood. I had addressed its psychopharmacology as an "erototoxin." I had documented its presence in adultery, divorce, rape, child sex abuse and incest.

Civility, humanity, I said, has always hung by the thinnest of threads. We allow ourselves to be coarsened at the greatest risk. Life in the last five decades should have proven to us all - or at least to any hominoid with a modicum of sense - that the license of licentiousness is always followed by the most heart-rending violence to our bodies and our souls. We can daily see around us that the most vulnerable, the smallest and the weakest pay the price for our arrogance and our appallingly selfish ignorance.

I watched television on and off this evening. I switched from one station to another, revolted by one sudden graphic depiction of a crime show's serial rapist torturing his female victims. Another station dramatized a vicious tale of children being prostituted by dad.

I next saw a defaced young male corpse, at first thought to be a boy who had defended a brutally raped young girl. Cadavers, once restricted to horror flicks are now a TV staple. The dead are commonly uncovered (still neck up) and discussed by a coolly attractive and yet sympathetic female coroner - often a minority woman - filling the professional working-woman diversity quota, while thrilling the desensitized audience at the same time.

On another station, "Dr. Phil's" team is seeking missing American girls. Their distraught parents on camera, Dr. Phil explains that the girls are doubtless dead or enslaved in the foreign sex traffic.

During commercials, a lovely female newscaster says stay tuned for the "news" story of an 8-year-old being marketed for sex. Also "coming up," says another professional lady news "reporter," police just rescued a kidnapped teenager who had been locked in a dog kennel and rented out for sadistic sex. The "news" announcement of coming attractions shows police carrying out the dog kennel should anyone miss the latest in "how-to" commit copy-cat sex hate crimes.

ABC's "Prime Time" righteously reports on the increase in sex crimes, including murder on American university campuses, suggesting that silly kids just don't protect themselves and that the universities don't police sufficiently. True, as far as that goes.

Naturally "Prime Time" makes no connection between sex crimes and their own fare - such as "Desperate Housewives" - entertaining the public with adultery, drug use, prostitution and mom's sex with teenage boys. "CSI" on CBS, NBC's "Law & Order," and "Sex and the City" are now inseparable from the "news" of dog kennels and Dr. Phil's search for child pornographers as we are driven into the pornographic sewer of thematic coming-of-age adventures.

"But, are you sure it's not just more reporting?"

In all of these emotional molecules of dramas and news stories, the good guys are good; prosecuting minorities and lady lawyers are wonderfully empathetic; coroners notably dispassionate but caring. Women are getting equal time as rape and torture victims and as professional legal and crime-solving mavens.

Of course, the Big Five mass media corporations, those which Michelle Malkin calls the most effective corporate pimps of human history - Time Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, NewsCorp and AT&T - are raking in the money by exploiting visual sado-sexual brutality as far as they can.

For unless it's "child pornography," TV dramas and news programs never use the word "pornography." No news or drama programs ever describe the media itself as causing copy-cat crime and sado-sexual violence.

The mass media breeds serial-rapist-murdering juveniles and adults who imbibe their stimuli alongside Internet sex games and legal pornography, while Big Pharma hawks every sex and depression medication it legally can inbetween these increasingly pornographic programs.

One neurologist writes, our "brains are not in charge;" our bodies are our "subconscious minds." If so, our bodies are being aroused and conditioned to children locked in dog kennels for sex, cadavers coolly uncovered and sado-sexual lust dramas alongside Madonna (also on television the last day or so) as a new, happy "mom."

This is the same Madonna who tongue-kissed Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on the MTV Awards in 2003, while her 6-year-old daughter (dressed in first-communion white, wearing a "BOY TOY" belt) tossed flower petals on the dance floor.

James Joyce of "Ulysses" obscenity fame, said all pornographic spectacles rouse the flesh to reflex actions of the nervous system. Yes, our body is our subconscious mind.

Ah, for those clucking, elderly ladies who kept the young in check by their repressive gossip, as described by Evelyn Wyeth in "Brideshead Revisited." Gone.

Instead, we have widespread mass-media pornography to breed a cultural collapse that is beginning to rival the sado-sexual brutality and insanity of the likes of Titus, Caligula and Nero.
