Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
July 27, 2024

Breaking News

In my opinion, the Republican Party Platform has taken a giant step in the wrong direction. As American citizens, we must fully embrace the Constitution and what it stands for. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution is clear. In America, every human being is endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and at every stage of our humanity - in the womb or out of the womb - every human being has an unalienable right to life and liberty.

Poland Rejects Bill to Legalize Killing Babies in Abortions
In a huge pro-life victory, the Polish parliament has rejected a measure to legalize killing babies in abortions. That keeps Poland as one of the few nations in Europe that protects the lives of unborn children.

The government should not hinder women from choosing abortion pill reversal
For years, abortion advocates have claimed they are trying to protect 'a woman's right to choose.' But in practice, many of these abortion advocates have shown that they only support a woman's right to make some medical decisions. When it comes to abortion pill reversal, they suddenly stop being so 'pro-choice.' ... Unfortunately, some abortion advocates have spread falsehoods about abortion pill reversal. For example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) incorrectly states on its website that APR is 'unproven and unethical.'

Transgender Ideology Is Superstition, Not Science
"In a recent piece for The New York Times, Jack Turban -- a California psychiatrist who has made his career by promoting and practicing the medical 'transition' of children -- wrote, 'The most basic part of gender identity is what I call our transcendent sense of gender. ...As is the case with many emotions, it's hard to describe this transcendent feeling in words. But it is the foundation of our gender identity, the scaffolding we're born with.' ...This belief in an insubstantial gender identity is mystical, not medical, which is emphasized by Turban's efforts to argue that research 'suggests these transcendent gender feelings have a strong innate biological basis.

Time to End the Unjust Institution of Abortion
Patriotism is a form of gratitude to God for the blessing of living in the land of our birth, or in the land that is our adopted home. We recognize that God has placed us in a particular place and calls us to contribute to the well-being of our society. This necessarily involves our personal efforts to foster justice and social harmony, working with our neighbors for the common good. Life is not lived in isolation, either geographically or historically.

Is the fear of having children bringing the West to the brink of extinction?
We are living at a time when a large segment of the world -- particularly societies in Europe, North America and Asia -- no longer views having children as something desirable or worthwhile. Whereas before, remaining childless was something people often felt shame over, even if it was through no choice of their own, we are now living at a unique historic moment in which many people proudly broadcast the fact that they have no children as something to celebrate or be proud of.

Transgender Ideology Is Superstition, Not Science
Belief in an insubstantial gender identity is mystical, not medical. The facade is falling apart.

Montreal woman with Spina Bifida offered euthanasia twice without requesting it.
Matt Gilmour reported for CTV news Montreal on July 5, 2024 that Tracy Polewczuk, a woman who lives with Spina Bifida, on two separate occasions was urged to request euthanasia by a medical professional without initiating the request.

Heartbreaking Stories Of Detransitioners Expose The Damaging Transgender Cult
In The Detransition Diaries, authors Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell show how transgenderism preys on abused and troubled people.

False Flag explains the radical, evil goals of queer politics
The thesis of Joy Pullman's new book is that "Western society is being erased by the purposeful destabilization of the institution that creates society: the natural family..."

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"Busyness" Finances "Time Poverty"

"How are you?" Are you one of those who reply, "I'm busy." If so, you are not alone. In a recent survey taken, 70% of people who were asked this question replied, "I'm busy." Ask yourself, do I suffer from "Time Poverty"? Do I really need to be as busy as I am? Is it possible that being busy-busy-busy is my way of avoiding the more important issues in my life? Another question, do I set aside time for God? In the Bible, Jesus tells Martha that what Mary is doing, is very important for life. In fact, Jesus states, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by (so) many things; there is need of only one thing..." The message is loud and obvious. Jesus is asking Martha, "How much do you really love me? Can you find room for me in your busy schedule? Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! Boys to Men

Nathan Schlueter
These are formidable challenges. But to fully meet them we first need to know what a man is, not just an "adult male of the human species," but a real man, a "man in full," a gentleman. It turns out this is a most interesting question to exploreand not an easy one to answer.

New! When Does a Fetus Feel Pain?

Shenan J. Boquet
Medical experts agree that fetal pain begins at 12 weeks gestation and may even be felt as early as eight weeks. But perhaps the best source for firsthand experience with fetal pain is an abortionist. As early as 1976, those performing abortions realized that the procedure is painful for the dying fetus. These inhumane death procedures would not be acceptable for any animal, yet they are used regularly to kill the most innocent and fragile human beings.

New! Anti-Semitic Students and Jewish Isolationism

Daniel Sonnenfeld
From the river to the sea, human flourishing will only be advanced through a nuanced and empathetic attitude to both sides. Radical stances that dehumanize one side, turning its babies into colonizers and marking them as legitimate targets for attack, do not advance freedom or justice. Quite the opposite.

New! What is the Season of Creation?
Pope Francis calls for a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Michael D. Pfeifer
The Season of Creation is an ecumenical month-long moment of prayerful reflection and celebration which began several years ago and calls us to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During this Season we join together as sisters and brothers of a universal family in prayer and action to renew our appreciation, our commitment, and our care and activities to protect and bring new life to Mother Earth, our Common Home, as we thank our loving God for the beautiful gift of all creation.

Giving until It Hurts: Helping Mothers Love

Mary Tillotson
The way to foster a loving bond between mother and child is to nurture a wider culture of support and love. It is not fair to children to deprive them of their mother's womb for their life before birth. But it is also not fair to mothers to deprive them of the support they need to make pregnancy and motherhood bearable.

Pakistan: Punjab government fails to adopt policy for the protection of children from sexual abuse

Asia Human Rights
The Government of Punjab, one year after the Kasur child sexual exploitation scandal, is yet unable to come up with concrete policy reforms, legislative development and behavioral change programs, to reduce threats of violence against children.

200 Million Children Are "Virtual Slaves"

Judith Reisman
Heeding the "free trade" rhetoric describing GATT, one would think its speedy passage meant greater international trade with governments elected by and accountable to an informed, literate electorate, all of whom share America's legal and moral standards. Those concerned about our yoke to foreign nations and multi-national powers (outlined in GATT's 22,000 pages plus) may find reason for larger concerns when examining the organized, decades long, international traffic in drugs, child labor and heterosexual and homosexual child prostitution and child pornography.

A renewed global focus on the rights of children

Shannon Roberts
It is interesting that, once a child is born, family law principles all seem to boil down to "the well-being of the child". At least in theory. Yet, before birth, in conceiving children, society seems to place so much more weight on the adult's 'right' to that child at any cost or 'right' to be happy than on a child's well-being and natural need to have a stable family unit to fall back on.

It's winter in South Korea

Marcus Roberts
Over the next few years the working-age population will decline dramatically.

Pelosi And The Popes: Two meetings, Two Versions

Steven Mosher
Pope Francis knows that the U.N. climate crowd is strongly pro-abortion. His appearance before the assembly offered him a unique opportunity to defend the right to life, but he did not take advantage of it.

Letter to Families
From Pope John Paul II

Official Documents
No human society can run the risk of permissiveness in fundamental issues regarding the nature of marriage and the family! Such moral permissiveness cannot fail to damage the authentic requirements of peace and communion among people. It is thus quite understandable why the Church vigorously defends the identity of the family and encourages responsible individuals and institutions, especially political leaders and international organizations, not to yield to the temptation of a superficial and false modernity.

South Korean women say no to babies

Shannon Roberts
Despite enticing incentives from the government, South Korean women struggle with the choice to leave their careers to raise children. The modern South Korean woman is ambitious. She has worked hard for her career and is hesitant to give it up.

Fruits of the Kingdom (Ordinary Times 27)

Proclaim Sermons
Jesus presents the church as a vineyard, one in which we can engage in fights or in fruitful labor. When harvest time comes, he wants us to be able to give good produce to God.

Contraception and Infallible Truth

Judie Brown
The Catholic Church's teaching regarding contraception (birth control) is in the news once again. Apparently the Pontifical Academy for Life published an interview with Fr. Maurizio Chiodi in which he claimed that Catholic teaching on contraception is open for discussion and dissent. This may astound many who thought the teaching was settled, but for modern-day dissenters, the question is wide open.

China's Population Control Police Should Be Abolished

Steven Mosher
China's family planning police are widely hated and feared by the Chinese people. And who can blame them?