Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
September 7, 2024

Breaking News

Federal Courts Protect Women's Right To Safely Reverse Chemical Abortions
Pro-life pregnancy centers get big win ensuring the protection of their right to free speech against radical leftist attorneys general.

The Devil And The Democrats
States such as Minnesota, California, Maryland, and others, in all cases with Democrat-controlled legislatures, are on a fast track to not only allow unborn babies to be murdered on demand as a woman's "constitutional right" but also to allow infanticide.

Doctors urge U.S. medical groups to 'immediately stop' transgender treatments on children
Top medical groups and physicians have signed a "Doctors Protecting Children" declaration that expresses "serious concerns" about the treatment of minors who are uncomfortable with their biological sex, one advocate told EWTN News this week.

'They are sending us missionaries of evil': Clerics lament Western homosexual push in Africa
Catholic archbishops are calling attention to the recruitment of young men into homosexual porn for money as NGO-led LGBT indoctrination becomes widespread across Africa.

Denmark and Norway relax abortion laws as Europe hurtles toward demographic suicide
Despite medical and technological advances that have given us unprecedented insight into human development in the womb, an increasing number of European countries are becoming increasingly extreme on abortion.

I Absolutely Refuse to Play Their Stupid English Language Gamesto
Pardon my above facetiousness. However, preposterous Leftists are now making it very complicated to teach the English language to foreign students. Pronouns are especially difficult. Even without Leftist stupidity, English pronouns can be challenging to master for foreigners: 'I, me, my,' 'he, his, him,' 'she, her, hers.' We used to teach that those are singular forms, applying to individual people. 'You, your, yours' can be either singular or plural and is as confusing to native speakers as it is to foreigners. But at least we knew the difference between singular and plural pronouns. Well, we once did.

Exposing the transgender money machine
Last month the American Principles Project published an eye-opening study of the facts and figures for trans medicine, 'The Gender Industrial Complex.' It had commissioned a market research company, Grand View Research, to estimate the cost of the drugs and surgical procedures involved in transitioning, the estimated current and future revenue growth of the market, and the most significant players. After reading the report, it's hard not to conclude that 'the gender industrial complex' is a factory of cruelty and misanthropy.

Made, not begotten: Why we said "No!" to in vitro fertilization
We should not expect much courage from politicians, but Christians are called to bear witness to the truth, regardless of what opinion polls show. And the truth is that IVF is wrong.

Nearly 40,000 people died home alone in Japan this year, report says
Almost 40,000 people died alone in their homes in Japan during the first half of 2024, a report by the country's police shows.

Loving God's Children: The Church and Gender Ideology
John Bursch, a renowned attorney, explains what the Catholic Church teaches about the human person and why modern culture's embrace of gender ideology is not only wrong but harmful for parents, families, and more!

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War Against Children: IVF - 70-75% do not survive (part 14)

Millions of babies have come into the world through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). This method can provide couples with a child they desperately want. And it has brought many precious new lives into being, and real happiness to millions of parents. Therefore, many now think IVF is the answer to infertility. BUT IT IS NOT! There is no story in the Bible that describes our current society better than the story of the Tower of Babel. Like us, the people of Babel were professionals with a working amount of technical skills. However, they allowed that knowledge to fool them into believing that they could compete with God - that they could do what God alone can do. We know that with all their human know-how, in the end, all they had to show for their work was a pile of rubble. We, in the present century, find ourselves in much the same situation. Our scientific technical know-how today far exceeds the scientists of Babel. However, there has also been a dark side to this technological advancement. Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! IVF becomes a burning issue in US election

Michael Cook
The Catholic Church has always opposed IVF and has developed a sophisticated critique based on its understanding of human sexuality. Its official Catechism states that IVF is "morally unacceptable" because it separates the marriage act from procreation and establishes "the domination of technology" over human life. It, too, is horrified at the fact that embryos are treated as raw material rather than human beings.

New! The Death Peddlers: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

Steven Mosher
A few years ago, it would have been unthinkable to make abortion - the death of unborn children - the centerpiece of a presidential campaign. But that's exactly what the Harris-Walz campaign is doing.

New! Who Is My Neighbor? Ukraine, Just War, and the "Good Samaritan" Ethic

J. Darly Charles
It is time - indeed, past time - to act decisively. Ukraine is our neighbor. Will Russia, with her imperial designs and commitment to do the unthinkable, be deterred? Are we in the West willing to confront sociopolitical evil? And do so in the name of justice, charity, and human dignity?

New! Load-Bearing Walls: How Denying Biological Reality Harms Us Al

Emilie Kao
Man-made positive laws should follow the laws of nature. Americans cannot bear the load of the government's latest attempt to defy reality. And the courts should ensure that we won't have to.

New! How Abortion Degrades Men

Shenan J. Boquet
Manhood is in crisis in our modern world, which seeks to blur the differences between man and woman. In response to this crisis, we desperately need men to be more responsible and sacrificial towards women, not less. We need men to respect women and honor their dignity. We need men who are disciplined and can control their sexual appetites, acting chastely. We need men who do not ignore the fruit of procreation, but are willing to be responsible, welcoming their children and supporting their mothers.

"Police Fails to Conduct An Impartial Inquiry Into the Accident that Killed A Doctor", Lawyer Tells The Court

Asia Human Rights
A lawyer appearing for Dr Herath's family complained to the Gampaha Magistrate the Weeragala Police which had investigated into the accident has not reported the actual circumstances of the accident and as a result despite of this being a fatal accident, the suspect has been released on bail.

Three parent babies - but only males

Xavier Symons
The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine has recommended that US government allow mitochondrial DNA transfer in male embryos.

Sex and the Sacred

Douglas McManaman
Consider how rape crisis centers describe the trauma women experience as a result of rape. The trauma is shattering; rape victims are shamed, they feel alone, they are plagued by nightmares, flashbacks, and their perception of the world is radically altered - the world no longer appears as a safe place. Their ability to trust others has been seriously compromised; some victims no longer even trust themselves. The violation that rape is reaches to the deepest region of the person. What this points to indirectly is that sex concerns the deepest regions of the human person.

Stem Cell Research: Some Pros and Cons

Dianne N. Irving
The debates are raging. Many people are confused about what stem cell research really is, and wonder why all the fuss. There are several well documented and well-articulated sources of information available on this issue already, so the following is simply a brief over-view of some of the major scientific, ethical and legal pros and cons.

Iran creates a family-friendly Islamic dating app to solve its fertility decline

Louis T. March
Is this an initiative that other countries could imitate?

The Human Embryo and Science

Philomene Joshua
Disorganising the embryo in attempts to find stem cells, defeats the aims of replacement, and underlines the futility of such research.

We need to offer alternatives to legalising euthanasia

Margaret Somerville
History will judge the legalization of euthanasia as one of the two most momentous values decisions of the first half of the 21st Century.

Pax and Peacemaking

Douglas McManaman
The Greek term 'peacemaker' is derived from eiro, which means to join or tie together into a whole. Our immune system is a peacemaker, for it preserves the integrity, the unity or pax of the organism. The state of peace as absence of conflict is the result of the work of the immune system, which is a work of conflict, a battle. Without that biochemical army, there is no peace, whether that is taken to mean integrity (unity), or whether it is taken as a state characterized by an absence of conflict.

Burma/Myanmar: Prosecutor concludes that case against soldiers for Ko Par Gyi killing "erroneous"

Asia Human Rights
Processes left no doubt that the military had abducted, illegally detained and killed Ko Par Gyi, and had then attempted to cover up the killing. Furthermore, when the facts of the case came out, the army attempted to distort the narrative by concocting allegations that the killed man was an insurgent; allegations that were shown to have been baseless.

Virtues in Caring for the Sick and Dying Patient

William E. May
For years I have been writing articles opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide, grave violations of the inviolable dignity of human bodily persons, whose bodies are integral to their being as human and not spirit persons.