The Moment for Truth

John-Henry Westen

Dear Fr. Jerome,

Tomorrow, in shocking and scandalous fashion, the Los Angeles Dodgers will be honoring an anti-Catholic hate group of Drag "Nuns" called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The Dodgers will give the hate group an award on a grand stage during its pre-game 'Pride Night' celebration. It is going to be a pivotal moment in the United States as this display is not only just a blatant attack on Christians, but also an all-out assault on the fabric of society, the traditional family.

This anti-Catholic group of homosexual men parade around and openly mock Catholic religious sisters. This group has blatantly blasphemed Jesus Christ! I am appalled, and I am sure you are too!

What was once the great American pastime of baseball, has sadly become a place where traditional families can no longer take their children for fear of exposing them to disturbing, scandalous displays. It is unbelievable how quickly our society has been hitting rock bottom. However, reported developments over the past several weeks on the issue of transgenderism give unexpected cause for considerable hope.

This diabolical display of drag, whether it be at a ballpark or your local library, must be resisted. We need to take a stand now, as these types of things could ultimately affect the lives and souls of the next generation.

As defenders of life, family, faith and freedom, we can't sit on the sidelines as innocence is threatened and Christianity is mocked in a perverse and vulgar manner. All of this is being accepted by our own governments and ignored by most religious leaders who would rather "dialogue" then tell this group to "Sin no more."

This is the moment for truth...we need to tell the woke world, this is wrong and must be stopped for the good of all, for the good of our nation.

That is why I will be joining droves of faithful Catholics and other people of goodwill as we peacefully pray and protest in response to the LA Dodgers insult against traditional American faith and family.

Prior to the protest, I will deliver the 14,000 + signatures from those who signed our LifePetition to the LA Dodgers, reminding them many Americans, not just those 14,000, are disgusted with what the Dodgers have allowed themselves to be prostituted into. I will be joining Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas, who will lead the group in a solemn procession with a relic of St. John Paul II.

Join us, in this peaceful prayer procession in your own way, either in person or by praying with us in your own homes and let us make reparation for the deliberate insults against God and plead for the conversion of those who mock Him not knowing the truth.

During June, a time traditionally devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we ask God to have Mercy on us!

God bless,

John-Henry Westen
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief

PS: Pray for us as we battle the cancel culture and the influence of evil in the world. We go forward in trust knowing you have our backs, and we pledge to work to defend your families and be a source of healing in this broken world of ours. Let us all work and pray together as we stand for Christ and His truth!

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