Prayer in Thanksgiving for Pro-life Victory at the US Supreme Court

Frank Pavone

Lord, God and Father of Life,
You love all that you have created,
And protect all who are in danger.

You entrust us to the care of each other
And establish earthly authority
To protect the rights that you yourself bestow.

Lord, for five decades,
Your people in America
Have prayed, marched, educated, lobbied and voted,
Seeking to end the destruction brought about
By abortion and the Roe vs. Wade decision.

And now, before our eyes,
You have answered those prayers,
With the decision of the Supreme Court
To reverse Roe and allow the people
To protect the unborn once again.

We praise you for your faithfulness,
And for the strength of our American Constitution
That allows us to correct these mistakes.

We thank you for the work of all in the pro-life movement
Over all these years
To bring about this victory.

We thank you for the lawmakers in Mississippi and elsewhere
Who have passed laws to protect the unborn
Despite the obstacles the Courts have put in the way.

We thank you for the voters
Who have elected pro-life candidates
At the state and federal level
In the hope that Roe would eventually fall.

We thank you for President Donald J. Trump
And for the Justices he placed on the Supreme Court,
All of whom voted to reverse Roe.

We thank you for all the Justices
Who courageously voted the right way in this case,
Despite pressure, protest and threats.

We thank you that they have decided
To restore to the people and their elected representatives
The right to limit and prohibit abortion.

Continue to give your grace and protection
To them and to their families.

Lord, as a result of this case,
Give the unborn, and our whole nation,
A new and refreshing season of Life.
Bring us a new breath of freedom,
A new measure of common sense,
A rediscovery of justice and wisdom
And a big step forward in building a culture of life.

Your Son Jesus Christ
Came to grant freedom to the oppressed.
Grant freedom, then, to the children in the womb
And in these days, set our nation on a course
Of rejecting the violence of abortion,
And treating children in the womb
With equal justice under law.

Thank you, Lord, for the Victory of Life!

We pray in the Name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

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