A quick guide to slavespeak: 11 terms 'progressives' have turned on their head

David Thunder

As we wave goodbye to 2023 and ring in the new year, many of us will be doing a "de-tox" to rid our bodies of those trifles, Christmas cakes, biscuits, chocolates and sundry culinary delights that filled our bellies and brought us good cheer over the Christmas holidays. I propose that we accompany this physical de-tox with a verbal de-tox: we need to purge our bloated vocabulary of several concepts that are poisoning our understanding of ourselves and the world.

These concepts have been elaborated by people who would describe themselves as "self-aware," "progressive" and "liberated," but they are actually terms more fit for a society of slaves than a society of free persons. Indeed, these concepts, at least as they are typically employed by "progressives," could be described, without exaggeration, as a species of slavespeak. By this, I simply mean that they are used disingenuously, to rationalise political oppression and slavery.

Let's name them and shame them, one by one:

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