Orwellian: Transgender Efforts to Silence Biological Truth Reach the State Department

Tyler O'Neil

Someone needs to tell the Biden administration that George Orwell's novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" isn't an instruction manual.

The administration, and the Left more broadly, has adopted a form of totalitarian "newspeak" that aims to make criticism of transgender orthodoxy unthinkable by eliminating gendered words from the English language. This echoes the totalitarian government of "Nineteen-Eighty-Four," which systematically seeks to destroy words in order to render criticism of the government unthinkable.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly sent a memo directing staff at the State Department--the government agency that represents America around the world--to avoid using "problematic" terms that suggest human beings are male and female.

National Review's Ryan Mills first reported Blinken's Feb. 5 memo, "Modeling DEIA: Gender Identity Best Practices." Blinken reportedly claims he sent the memo to "support an inclusive work environment." The State Department told National Review that it does not comment on leaked documents, which appears to confirm the memo's legitimacy. DEIA stands for diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

Blinken instructs staff to use "gender-neutral language whenever possible," warning that making assumptions about a person's gender "can be problematic" and send a "harmful, exclusionary message."

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