Katherine Baker is a freelance writer who lives in Western Pennsylvania.
How long can we keep our distance before it is counterproductive?
Date posted: 2020-07-25
Trader Joe's is an American grocery store chain known for its good prices but also, uniquely for a grocery, for paying their employees well enough that they seem to enjoy their work. This makes for a distinctly upbeat atmosphere that adds to the charm of the low -priced organic food. My husband and I enjoyed chatting with the employees and getting to know them.
Date posted: 2020-02-05
Sexuality has become highly politicized in the last decade. It has become popular to think of gender not as "binary" but as "a spectrum" with as many as 50 or more genders, each fading into the next.
Date posted: 2020-02-05
Transsexuality affects around 0.6% or an estimated 1.4 million of the 327 million people in the U.S. and yet the media and the radical left has curiously made trans people's experience central to our imaginations and regularly propose policy changes that purport to benefit them. I am skeptical.
Date posted: 2020-02-05
You can be equal to men or 'damsels in distress', but not both. In a recent Forbes article on sex trafficking, we learn not only are women "a growing category of sex trafficker" but also "in some countries they are the primary perpetrators" of that crime.
Date posted: 2019-11-16
The mental health of our daughters is in steep decline and it appears this is due to the social media bullying of other girls through near constant contact of social media via smart phones.
Date posted: 2019-06-29