Bishops' text takes on Bioethical and Family issues

Official Documents
Bulletin of the Ovulation Method
and Reference Centre of Australia
September 2004
Reproduced with Permission

The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales recently published a document of Bioethical and Family Issues, called "Cherishing Life". At the Press Conference that launched the document Bishop Christopher Budd of Plymouth, one of the texts' writers said: "The multiplicity of issues underlines the complexity of living in our present world". He noted, "The clear articulation of principles and values seems to show the importance of a principled approach to moral questions".

In its foreword, the document says that living in a society that enables us to flourish "requires the building of an ethos of life that protects persons from womb to tomb, especially the most vulnerable". Yet the document perceives, "signs of a Culture of Death" (in the world), in such factors as abortion, pressure for euthanasia, diminishing respect for the elderly and a lack of protection for marriage and the family.

After a brief section explaining the context of modern society, the document lays out the factors that should guide moral decisions. Human beings, explains the document, "have a unique kind of life with the possibility of understanding themselves and living responsibly." This life is endowed with "an inherent dignity shared by all human beings," which in turn forms the basis for an objective moral order and universal human rights.

The bishops observe that a number of attempts have been made to codify human rights, among others by the United Nations and the European Union. But the concept of rights used in these declarations should be examined carefully, the prelates warn: "Personal autonomy is not the only human good, and an adequate theory of rights will place the need for individual freedoms in the context of the common good."

'Cherishing Life' also warns against false modes of reasoning to determining moral choices. Basing decisions on utilitarian grounds of maximizing the happiness of the greatest number of people, not only ignores that there are some acts morally wrong in themselves, but can easily lead to discrimination against minorities.

Equally wrong is the tendency to base a moral decision on personal feelings, or to maintain that it is a purely private matter, as in "I feel this is wrong, but I can't impose my moral views on others." Not only is such reasoning often applied inconsistently, but also "moral relativism is harmful if it leads people to remain silent in the face of injustice," warns the document.

For its part the Church offers guidance on moral matters based not only on rational argument, built also on Scripture and Christian tradition. From the mystery of the Trinity the Church draws its truth for personal relationships: "Treating people morally and respectfully involves recognizing them as persons." And to the question of who is to be recognised as a person the English and Welsh bishops refer to the parable of the Good Samaritan, arguing that the concept of neighbour should "be used in a wide and inclusive sense."

After explaining the part each person's character and conscience play in making moral decisions the document goes on to deal with Church's role in teaching morality. 'Cherishing Life' acknowledges that some Catholics have difficulty in accepting certain teachings. "Yet Catholics have a right to receive the fullness of the Church's teaching and they have a corresponding duty to adhere to that teaching," the document says. At the same time the Church is called upon to help those "who struggle in the moral life, offering compassion and understanding to those who fail to discern and to live out God's loving will.-

The document here specifically refers to conflicts that can arise on the issue of the right to life of the unborn. The Christian position on this can even be at odds with the law, and individuals may suffer discrimination because of their faithfulness to moral principles: "Here the Christian witness to the dignity of human life, to the inviolability of the moral order, and to the holiness of God's law."

'Cherishing Life' then deals with a variety of subjects. A clear understanding of these statements can be understood in their abbreviations which follow:

"Each of us has a common responsibility to help build a culture that upholds the worth of every human life, especially that of the most vulnerable."
