There is a better way than abortion;
even for rape victims, as everything has purpose.

Joyce C. Lock
Jan 29, 2016
Reproduced with Permission

I have been lied about, spat upon, battered, abused, cheated and cheated upon, robbed, starved, abandoned, and left to die; to name a few. And besides all that, I birthed a child conceived in rape. I had so much to forgive and overcome that I can not imagine it being possible to have survived, had I also had to forgive myself in aborting. For, what did that child ever do to me? Two wrongs never did make a right, and it still doesn't. For many who chose abortion, I can only presume it was because there was no one to tell them there is a better way.

What I found was (quite the opposite of a daily reminder, but) someone who needed me so much that my every moment was not spent in self pity; someone who required my attention, when I felt like it and when I did not; someone who kept me in a path of making good choices when I no longer cared to make them for myself.

Sure there are reminders; whether on the news, in movies, at the grocery store, sometimes even at church, and every time we reach out to help someone else going through such things. It is not possible to abort reminders. They are never going to go away until there is no more need to remember them. For with each reminder, as painful as it sometimes is, comes one more opportunity toward healing; being the pain is so great one can only overcome in baby steps ... and having a baby is a sure fire help for that.

One never knows when, where, or even how the next step in healing will come; but, the child is an ongoing needful part in that process. Sometimes, the child is just the distraction we need; sometimes, the unconditional love not found anywhere else on the face of the earth. Children give us the capacity to open some piece of our heart when we might not otherwise be capable. They can even help us grow in understanding how their biological father could have become so messed up. And, they cause us to stretch ourselves and grow, to better know how to help them. But in however many ways it happens, when we open our heart to love that child more than we love our self, we somehow get there together.

Sure, babies come at inconvenient times; often before we are ready to want to give up our lifestyle for something more important than self. And sure, ill-timed births tend to alter our future whether it could have otherwise meant more parties, further education, or better paying employment.

But if God so much as plants a baby within us, we can bet that baby is there for a reason. We have things 'more important' to accomplish, in our lifetime, than all the conveniences dreamed of. And even when our ambitions are noble, we just may not have yet been dreaming big enough.

In fact, when slowed down enough to catch the opportunities of healing amidst our pain, it can lead us in the direction of discovering the passions of our heart and further guide us toward a much more fulfilling life until, one day, we can finally look back (and realize God knew what He was doing all along) and truly be able to say, "It happened, so what; I moved on." And, 'what is even neater' is watching the child grow in realizing their higher purpose, too. 3 John 1:4 speaks of such blessedness as having "no greater joy".

Choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:19
