What About the Bird?
Proverbs 27:8

Joyce C. Lock
by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
Reproduced with Permission

In the spring of the year, the father and mother birds gather materials, from all over, and make a nest. This nest is carefully made and, when finished, the momma bird lays the eggs. The eggs hatch out a wonderful new life: a baby bird. The baby bird begins to grow while the parents feed and nurture it.

There are many enemies to that baby. There are cats, snakes, and many other dangers. So, the parents are busy feeding and protecting. They provide their protection and provisions for their young. But, alas, they have limits. Like all parents, there is a limit that we reach.

They have built their nest high in trees, bushes, and other places that are secure and protective. However, they can't defend against a storm of high winds and pouring rains. The nest and baby birds are blown down onto the ground. The babies have no feathers, nor can they fly. They are not grown enough to survive alone, or break their fall.

When contact is made with the ground, most times, they are, immediately, dead; ready to be eaten, by other animals, and totally destroyed. All hope was gone as soon as the storm hit and destroyed their home and safety protections of parents. This is exactly what Proverbs 27:8 is talking about. "As a bird wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place."

We see this picture played out every Spring and Summer, and miss seeing the great principle. Living without God's protection and provisions can end with no hope and eternal death awaiting. Once the nest and young bird is separated and destroyed, there is no hope. For, in many instances, there is no life.

May we wake up and realize the value of a soul, and seek to sow the gospel into their hearts ... so that they will miss the storm or, if it comes, will be able to stand! Man can not live without hope and, when he is away from the presence and blessings of his creator, he has no hope; only waiting for death and, then, the second death.

May we love them into the Kingdom of Christ Jesus, so they can have a blood covenant relationship with their God and Creator.

This is a lesson, in principle, we all need to learn. As a bird wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place. The Lord has provided a place for each one. Please, take advantage of your privilege so freely given.

© 2005 by (Howard) Vern Nicholson
