Seed Sowers Message

Joyce C. Lock
by Sandra Lewis Pringle
Reproduced with Permission

They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. (Ephesians 4:18)

Outside, the temperatures are icy cold and rigid. Everything seems frozen, at aÊstandstill, waiting for the warmth of the sun to thaw and restore. Just as the trees are heavily laden with the burden of ice clinging to the limbs, so are our spirits often burdened by the weight of slothfulness, complacency, sin, and emptiness.

Only the warmth of the Son can melt the hardened heart, the stubborn spirit, and the unyielding nature of a disobedient soul.

The first glimpse of Him triggers a spark which, if nurtured, can become an eternal flame.

A heart riddled with regret, disappointment, and pain is never beyond healing. Hope abounds if we only open our hearts to the healing balm of the Word of God and the comfort derived from the Word, from the love expressed in His Word. The Word is comfort to a troubled spirit.

It doesn't matter the affliction. There is a Word to apply to that affliction, if we only seek to find it and the Healer; Who is able to touch and restore, through the Word.

Just as we find a favorite passage to draw strength from, His Word never leaves us empty; but fills.

Allow yourself to be completely emptied, so that the Sonshine may penetrate very darkened crevice to warm, heal, and restore.

Dwelling in the sacred place of the Most High God is like sitting by the warmth of a glowing fireplace, with toes outstretched, and feet caressed by the burning embers within.

Let God caress your soul, your spirit, by the warmth of His love; by the rivers of blessing which flow from the throne of God.

His Word is available to us, at any given time, whenever we have a need, a concern, or during the wintry season of man.

Troubles need not overtake us. But, they need to direct us, instead, to the peace of God's Covenant promises and His desire to love us with unconditional love.

There are many kinds of winters which we experience during the course of a lifetime. Some are more bitter than others, but there is none that cannot be warmed by the love in His Word, the balm of His healing, and the warmth of His touch upon your spirit.

Still your heart and quiet your mind, and seek the One Who loves you more than anyone else you know.

Seek Him, seek His love, seek His Spirit, seek His company.

Dwell and abide with Him; walk with Him, your hand in His.

© 2005 by Sandra Lewis Pringle
Author of "Singing Loudly as the Lions Roar"
and "Photographs from a Poetic Heart"
