Lab-Leak Denials Melt Under New Revelations

Steven Mosher
written by Christopher Manion
March 21, 2023
Reproduced with Permission
Population Research Institute

Last week we reported that the U.S. Department of Energy and the FBI now agree that "a Lab Leak in China [was the] Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic."

According to FBI Director Christopher Wray, that determination took so long because the Communist Chinese were doing their best "to thwart and obfuscate the work" of the FBI and others seeking to prove the origins of the virus.

And they still are.

With impeccable timing, the Communist Chinese are now trying to send the world down yet another rabbit hole - or should we say, Raccoon Dog hole. Aided by the China-friendly American media, they are now promoting the idea that the coronavirus was caused by an animal called a Raccoon Dog at the Wuhan wet market.

Beijing - along with Anthony Fauci, the New York Times, and others - are hoping that this will settle the issue once and for all in favor of a 'natural origin' of the China Virus. This will let China off the hook for millions of deaths and 50 trillion dollars in economic damage.

And if it doesn't, Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping has issued a warning. The U.S. is "trying to encircle and contain China," he said, in a speech notable for its aggressive rhetoric. Right on cue, his Foreign Minister Qin Gang warned that "there will surely be conflict and confrontation," if U.S. policy doesn't change.

The strongest Chinese Communist leader since Mao has thrown down the gauntlet. Is Joe Biden up to the challenge?

Not according to the New York Times. Its panicked editorial board is now urging Joe Biden to not antagonize China and focus instead on "emphasizing competition with China while minimizing confrontation." At the same time, it is promoting the Raccoon Dog virus fairy tale for all its worth.

And it is a fairy tale that no respectable scientist - that is to say, no one who hasn't received millions of dollars of grants from Fauci - would ever endorse.

PRI President Steven Mosher has long maintained that the Chinese Military not only created the China Virus in the Wuhan virology lab but intended to use it as a weapon. And "if China's Dear Leader Xi Jinping intentionally unleashed the China Virus on an unsuspecting world," Mosher says, it would constitute "the greatest bioweapons attack in world history."

Perhaps that's why Dr. Fauci is desperate to avoid an investigation of his federal office's funding of Chinese Communist biological research, and why his ignorant lapdogs in the "mainstream media" have gone along.

And why the New York Times shouts, "wait, wait, look over there!"

On March 8th, testimony given before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic revealed explosive details of the media campaign that Fauci and the media engineered to perpetuate the China Virus coverup.

And Nicholas Wade. the celebrated former New York Times Science Editor was one of those testifying.

At the hearing, Wade filled in the blanks. And his testimony destroys the fictions perpetrated by not only the New York Times, but by Dr. Anthony Fauci as well.

Wade's media experience includes years as a science writer, editor, and author working on the staff of Nature, Science, and, for many years, as Science Editor of the New York Times.

In his testimony, Wade asked, "if the evidence for the lab Leak is so strong, why do so many people still believe the virus came from nature?"

"The reason," he testified, "is that the natural origin camp got its story out first ... It very successfully painted the lab leak as a 'conspiracy theory' before anyone [had even] opposed [the natural origin camp] publicly."

No contest: it was a masterstroke of deception.

Mr. Wade continued:

"The national media swallowed the natural origin story unskeptically and, once committed to it, failed to report important contrary evidence... Science journalists in particular, it seems to me, fell down on their job by failing to check out the virologists' self-serving claims." (Wade's written testimony painstakingly details media malfeasance of a historic magnitude).

"The natural origin theory did not prevail by accident," Wade said. "It was promoted by science administrators in the United States and England, including Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health. The NIH is a national treasure and Collins and Fauci, the most prominent leaders at the time, are well known to the public and on Capitol Hill.

"It's hard to believe that in the twilight of their long careers, they would seriously mishandle an issue as important as the origin of the COVID virus. Yet that is what the evidence seems to point to.

"The campaign to discredit lab leak," Wade continued, "began on the evening of January 31, 2020, when Fauci received an email from four virologists led by Christian Andersen of Scripps Research.

"They had all concluded that Sars 2 ... could not have been made in nature," Wade said. "Fauci was probably not too pleased to hear that the virus might have escaped from research that his agency has funded."

And then came the bombshell:

"A strange thing happened to the virologists' conclusion," Wade testified. "Within four days, Anderson, in an email on February fourth, repudiated, deriding the lab leak as a crackpot theory.

"What made him change his mind?" Wade asked. "No new scientific evidence about the virus came to light between January 31 and February fourth, but from that 180-degree reversal, a whole campaign was able to be developed including highly influential articles placed in Nature, Medicine, and The Lancet."

Democrat Members of the Subcommittee did not engage the witnesses with questions of substance. Instead, they attacked the messenger. The China-friendly media scarcely covered the hearing at all.

As the evidence becomes increasingly clear, the pressure on the United States intensifies. At this point, any sane and responsible U.S. President would call out Communist China for this most grievous of war crimes.

Donald Trump has demanded that Communist China pay for its crimes. Will Joe Biden?
