Testimony 3: Denise, Melody, Maria

Denise Mountenay
By Erin Pustay
January 4, 2006
email: Erin.Pustay@IndeOnline.com
Reproduced with Permission
Canada Silent No More


Founder/President of "Canada Silent No More" (CSNM) offers hope and healing to people broken and wounded by legal abortion. Denise brings education as well as awareness to the forefront that abortion is a wrong and not a right. She teaches on God's word, fetal development, and research on damage of abortion to women including Cervical and Breast Cancers, pre-term births, sterility, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, suicides etc. Denise, co-founder of "Women for Life International" has spoken in Israel, the Philippines, Jamaica, Moscow-Russia, Ghana-Africa, Holland, Germany and several times at the United Nations doing workshops during the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, exposing lies and rhetoric and warning of the Breast cancer link to abortion. Denise is author of "FORGIVEN...a true story" now a National Best Seller and must have for libraries, youth and young adults on the sad reality of abortion.


My name is Melody, and I am here today because I believe abortion Kills babies and emotionally damages women. I was 16 when I became pregnant and had my first abortion. Scared and with no counseling I agreed with my parents that it is the only solution. Not knowing that this clump of tissue, as the doctors called it, was a living being.

After my first abortion, I was so depressed and didn't really care what happened to my body. The emotional pain ran deep. I had many different sexual relationships and got pregnant again. Then I had my second abortion, which led to more guilt and drinking. So in the same year I wanted to cover my guilt. I decided that I would get pregnant and keep my baby, trying to justify my actions. But again I felt trapped in this cycle of abortion abuse.

I had three abortions before I was 24. I was in such pain with the third abortion that I couldn't stand. I had heavy bleeding and was so weak. The hospital sent me home with no post abortion counseling, I felt so alone. I still mourn my three children so I dedicated a song to them to help with my healing. I know the truth now. It still pains me to know that my babies could feel touch, suck their thumb, turn their head and sleep and wake up at certain times. But my ignorance and lack of knowledge destroyed them.


My name is Maria, I am 40 years old. Between the ages of 17 and 28 our Canadian Health Care system paid for and allowed me to use abortion as a violent form of birth control. I had 5 abortions, and not one was for a medical necessity.

Never in all 4 of the government run facilities was I told of the risks that were involved during and after an abortion. My life spiraled downwards I suffered with depression, drank and did so many drugs that I couldn't keep a job. It was more important to stay numb than to deal with my abortions. Shortly after the last abortion I tried to commit suicide. I felt so empty and violated inside. I was suicidal because I had murdered my own children and was too ashamed to tell anyone. I now am married and miraculously have 4 children. Unfortunately, Mothers Day is one of the hardest days of the Year for me. On this day I have been known to lay in bed all day, in the dark. My beautiful loving children will very quietly bring in the gifts that they have worked so hard to make, but I have a hard time receiving them because of the guilt of my past.
