Repeated Warnings Have Been Given

Ron Panzer
January 20, 2024
Reproduced with Permission

They have returned to the sins of their ancestors,
who refused to listen to my words.
They have followed other gods to serve them....

Therefore this is what the Lord says:

'I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape.
Although they cry out to me,
I will not listen to them' (Jeremiah 10:10-119

May those -- whose hearts, inspired by His will, impel them to defend the lives of the vulnerable -- be strengthened, protected, and blessed.

Though the prophets have shared what has been shown to them, one need not be a visionary to see the signs of the times. Many have forgotten or never understood the depth of depravity that arises when war, plague, and famine swallow the nations. Such devastating realities do not always occur in other, far off nations. What is coming will affect everyone in the world as the world is re-made by those who have the power to do so.

I was ill for a while but have now recovered and can send these again. Nevertheless, I won't be putting out these newsletters as frequently as before as it merely is a repetition of what has been already shared. "They" are incrementally moving forward and what is coming is much, much more societally disruptive than most of us can imagine.

The evil-minded seek chaos and destruction and have planned to create exactly that while they, the richest individuals in the world, have doubled their wealth in the past few years and will multiply that even more in the years to come.

We are seeing repeated warnings and predictions like: "WEF warns 2024 likely to bring x91catastrophicx92 cyber event." The elites -- who pull the strings of national leaders, judges, and others at all levels -- are certainly capable of having the most capable hackers and computer experts cyberattack the infrastructure of any nation or banking system that they wish to be attacked.

When the leaders themselves are intent upon the undermining of the pillars that maintain a stable society, how can the people resist? How can they prevent those who have the power to do these things, from doing so?

Water purification plants. Electricity production plants. Natural gas and oil suppliers. Gas stations. Banks and the internet itself. All hackable or capable of being completely shut down through the internet that was supposed to be such a blessing to mankind.

Shutting down all or even some of these would lead to massive riots, chaos, and hundreds of thousands, millions, or even billions of deaths if carried out internationally.

How many would die if heating or electricity were not available? How many would die if the ability to purchase needed food and supplies was discontinued because we would not be able to pay electronically? How soon thereafter would a planned martial law be declared? How soon thereafter would the mandatory digital ID and digital currency be implemented?

The elites continue to foment their intended "storms" that attack our once much more stable societies. WEF advisor and depopulationist, "Yuval Noah Harari, discusses the creation of a massive class of useless people and what should be done with them." Just the idea of people being "useless," and doing something with us, exposes the WEF as totalitarian and a re-emergence of a modern form of fascism.

To implement their changes, federal financial policy was designed to get the banks to invest in certain bonds considered safe, and then make those bonds worth less than they would have been thought to be, later on. In other words, the banks' financial weaknesses and even failures that are continuing are intended, and only those banks that are "too big to fail" and controllable by the federal governments will be allowed to survive.

The elites plan to implement the central bank digital currencies when only few government-controlled banks remain. No government leader would be able to stop that unless most of the nations' legislators opposed such a move and most nations' legislators are either supportive of such moves or not willing to risk their careers to oppose them.

The elites at Davos, Switzerland talk about how they must manage what information the people are able to receive. They are intent on complete censorship of alternative news or views, just as is the case in communist China or other totalitarian nations.

The elites are warning about a new pandemic with a disease "X." Chinese scientists have manipulated a new pangolin associated coronavirus through gain-of-function research to be 100% fatal to mice and the scientists warn that it just might become transmissible to humans.

Obviously, doing this research to make viruses more lethal is insane, but everything done by the evil-minded is insane. What seems good to the people themselves is condemned by these evil-minded elites, and what is harmful and evil for the people is what the elites are now imposing in every aspect of society.

They are doing this now because they can now. They have the technological ability and they have the financial control of all or almost all major businesses and governments in the world. Rather than seeing to the well-being of the people, they are actively seeking their harm.

When the "unemployment statistics" show fewer are "unemployed," this does not mean that the economy is thriving. It simply means that fewer are claiming to be unemployed. It may mean that fewer who are of the working age class, are actually seeking work, or are actually capable of working, or are alive today.

Gas and oil prices can be lower than one might imagine after production is cut, not because of government wisdom, but because the economy is actually shrinking and there is less demand for gas and oil compared to what it would be if the economy was thriving as it was just a few years ago.

Some changes that have been imposed are irreversible. Bringing in several million immigrants to Europe, the U.S. and some other nations, illegally is irreversible. Even if efforts were made to deport those who came in without legally applying and being approved, massive unrest would result. Massive numbers of riots would result if there were large numbers of people deported.

And if those favoring illegal immigration remain in charge of the government, those individuals will not be deported. Many who have entered the "Western" nations do not respect the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western societies. They do not value the sanctity of all human life and actually support the elimination of those who do not agree with them.

They may be socialist, communist, Islamist, or other, but their goal is not to support what Western society has been, but to re-make it into something other and to get what they can for themselves, which is an understandable goal. However, chaotic immigration leads to violence and societal disintegration. The elites who have control of the governments know this and will certainly use their planned societal chaos to justify imposing more authoritarian control of the people and when war strikes, which it eventually will, martial law.

And though many will accurately blame some religions or religious leaders for the wars that have afflicted mankind, communist and Nazi leaders killed more people than all the religious wars in the past. And even though those who are imposing the new world order are not outwardly religious leaders, they are Satanic and diabolically insane. They are pedophiles, human traffickers, and immoral at every turn.

If we've seen some of those dystopian sci-fi movies, we can get a good idea of what they really wish to do. Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum tells us that we'll own nothing and be happy, while the elites will own everything and they'll be happy oppressing the people. Schwab tells us that in 10 years, everyone will have a brain implant, and mandatory this and mandatory that. No free speech, only those who are obedient will be allowed to live, work, and serve the State.

Schwab tells us that elections will be a quaint item of the past and that they're unnecessary. They tell us that mandatory "vaccination" and digital ID are needed. They seek to arrest any who publicly question their policies. Is there any doubt that a communist China style totalitarian new world order is being incrementally imposed? Do we hear the major media reporting on any of this?

The scientific advisors working with the United Nations and WEF are depopulationist and have already been working for decades to make people less fertile, less capable of having children, and societally influenced to not wish to have children. It is no accident that while God instructed man to be fruitful and multiply, the elites instruct the people to have no children, to be incapable of having children and have worked feverishly to create artificial wombs, to perform in-vitro fertilization and abortion to kill the unwanted human beings who are at the embryonic or fetal stage of development.

The pro-life leaders are completely silent about what is actually going on globally. With their heads buried in the sand, they work to stop abortion which is extremely admirable. The problem is they say nothing about the sterilizing of entire populations of people so that there would not be fetal or embryonic human beings to kill through abortion. When there are no pregnant women, where will pro-life be then? It will be as common as Bible preachers on the streets of an Islamic State nation.

While Pfizer hid the COVID "vaccine's" known risks to pregnant women and actually said it was "safe and effective," it's been quite some time that the risks and actual harms have been published. Where are the pro-life leaders? They remain silent! Shame!

When COVID "vaccinated" pregnant women have miscarried or had severe complications, pro-life leaders have said nothing. When babies born to COVID "vaccinated" women have much higher rates of infant mortality, disability, autism, and more, pro-life leaders have said nothing. Where is the courage to speak the truth in those who are well-funded leaders of the movement?

When those young men and women who could become fathers and mothers die suddenly without medical explanation -- after being vaccinated -- pro-life leaders say nothing about it. If significant percentages of parents-to-be are medically killed or made infertile by COVID "vaccines" or a new "Disease X," doesn't that affect the babies that might have been, that should have been?

Have the pro-life leaders said anything about COVID "vaccinated" men's sperm levels being decimated and their testes filled with spike protein? The research showing that the "vaccines'" spike proteins travel to testes and ovaries has been censored but it's out there. Pro-life leaders should know about it. Why are they silent?

However rare autopsies of COVID "vaccinated" men have been, they show that whether young or old, the sperm in the testes are overtaken and eliminated while spike protein is abundantly present. Is it any wonder the authorities have done everything possible to prevent widespread autopsies of the COVID "vaccinated" who have "unexpectedly," "suddenly died" "without a known cause." We hear about these cases every day.

When the actual DNA of human beings is intentionally being tainted, have pro-life leaders spoken out? They denied it was possible but it has been shown to be happening. Changing people's DNA from what has been God designed, given, God created human DNA, causes irreparable harm, chronic auto-immune diseases, blood clots, and various causes of death. It's not just spike proteins and nano-technology killing people.

In the 2006 movie, Children of Men, 100% of the women were depicted as being incapable of having children until one woman had a baby. They really do tell us what they are planning. And it's not a joke, not conspiracy theory, not fear-mongering. It is their diabolical plan.

Talk about people being silenced.... When the U.S. Supreme Court was deciding Roe v Wade back in 1973, the "justices" knew just as well as you or I that human embryologists were the experts of the field to determine if fetal or embryonic human beings actually were human beings. They chose not to listen to them at all. Why? Because, though it is not law, the right to life is explicitly recognized in the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Also, the preamble to the Constitution explains that the purpose of the federal government is to promote the general welfare of the people. Killing citizens -- as is the case through abortion -- is not "promoting the general welfare" of those killed. So, they had to ignore the truth about embryonic and fetal human beings and have done so since 1973.

So, the Roe v Wade decision was pre-determined when the "justices" decided not to listen to the experts who had with certainty determined that "babies" in the womb were actually human life. The experts were silenced and so the killing spree was unleashed.

The same has been the case at the end-of-life or acute illness setting with stealth euthanasia. The authorities chose to suppress any accurate reporting on the widespread practice of imposing death on the vulnerable, unwanted, elderly, disabled, and what they call "biologically persistent" who just wouldn't die on their own. Pro-life leaders, however sincere or insincere some of them may be have chosen to ignore the widespread practice that has taken the lives of millions now.

Are the pro-life leaders just short-sighted? Many of them are. Are they blind to the reality? In many cases, that is not even possible, as they certainly have been informed through decades-long efforts to notify them, through pro-life news about cases, and the attempts to get their help to stop the murder of patients.

These pro-life leaders are and have been the "watchers at the gate." But they have not warned the people, and therefore they have betrayed the people and have allowed the health care system to be tainted, which has now morphed into widespread medical killing of not just those at the end-of-life but anyone who enters with "COVID" or who refuses the "vaccines," or through the "vaccines." Health care has become health kill and entering the system is risky. They may help us but they may kill us and they have the power, ability, and intent to do so in many cases.

This is the case with regard to those pro-life leaders who have for decades chosen to remain silent about the medical killings. And those pro-life leaders who have knowingly denied the truth are even worse:

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. (Ezekiel 3:18)

As it has been before, the leaders of the nations determine what happens to the people unless the people themselves act to make a difference that matters. That is possible, but it will take great efforts and dedication and our humble and fervent prayers for His mercy.

Please pray for our nation and the people of the world!
