The world-famous science historian Thomas Kuhn, in his work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, warned that all bets are off in a science "crisis." Displacing an accepted theory creates a scientific revolution, and a new "paradigm" emerges. So when Al Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) hit the nation, it did not just cause a sexual revolution, it caused a sex science revolution.
Kinsey's sex "findings" displaced the common law and Judeo-Christian theories of human sexuality, which had dictated our conduct, culture, and sex-crime penalties. The ideals of delayed rewards, complete abstinence before and fidelity within marriage, said Kinsey, were scientifically false, constraining, repressing, and, (most condemnatory), "hypocritical."
The test of a good scientific theory is its predictability. Kinsey predicted that when people believed his theories and data, divorce, venereal disease, "illegitimacy," sex crimes, and all sexual dysfunctions would decrease. You many have noticed that Kinsey's predictions didn't quite pan out. The science was bad.
Now we face the post- 1950s skyrocketing rates of divorce, adultery, new and virulent strains of "venereal disease," "illegitimacy," rape, statutory rape, child sexual abuse, incest, abortion, juvenile sex crimes, schoolhouse sexual harassment, sex and pornography addictions, and, well, shall we say, a passel of "gender confusion." Naturally, those defending Kinsey's sex science revolution have to deny reality, truth, facts. So they claim that these erototoxic pandemics are just "better reporting."
Which brings us to a recent Wall Street Journal article by Cark Bilik. Mr. Bilik notes that folks tend to think that released sex offenders will reoffend. He explains, however, that "researchers say" sex offenders have a "low" rate of re-offense, especially those who were violating their own children.
I wrote to Mr. Bilik at his "Dear Numbers Guy" email address as follows: "The avid claims of lower sex offender recidivism rates (and 20-35 percent is hardly 'low' for the victims) reflects the hysterical defense of bad sex science theory come home to roost. Half the states in the union allowed the death penalty for rape in 1950. But following Kinsey, that was considered unjust. 'Lower the penalty and you lower the rape rate' was the idea in the 1950s' 'post-Kinsey Era.'"
Now, naturally, those who embraced the post-Kinsey sexual freedom science must deny its documented results. This means Kinseyans must claim that sexual lives are better and sex crime rates and recidivism are lower; the numbers are high only because of "better reporting." "Just better reporting" ignores the frequent failure to report sex crimes, as well as plea bargains and law enforcement's habit of changing sex crime definitions to create non-sex offenses.
A study in the October 2004 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, by Langevin et al., reported an 85 percent sexual offense recidivism rate over 25 years. This is hardly "low." In order to believe in sud- den sexual sobriety for a sex offender population, we must not believe our own eyes and ears. We must ignore the massive exploitation of sexual appetite via pornographic images on streets, on television, in films, on the internet. And we must forget the news reports of parolees who rape and murder.
Unfortunately, the Langevin finding of 85 percent sex offender recidivism is significantly more in keeping with rational observation of the human condition than are the naïve and often self-invested scholarly claims of the sex offender's sobriety.
Last year I wrote a WorldNetDaily column asking why the Federal Bureau of Prisons spiked its own sex offender study at Butner prison in North Carolina. The Butner researchers found that of 155 men arrested "just" for child pornography, 85 percent later admitted committing child sexual abuse against a total of 1,777 young victims. My earlier articles noted that many Sex Crime Units were driven to hide thousands of "rapes and other sexual assaults" in their reports. One Philadelphia report admitted that "one in four rapes" was relabeled to appear in a "non-crime category." They reduced sex crime "with an eraser."
Sex crime recidivism is similarly semantically nuanced. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, US Army (Ret.), a psychologist and expert on violence and crime says: "We medicate, incarcerate and police ourselves at rates never seen before." But most important, "we are lying about the data." The National Institute of Justice paper, Managing Adult Sex Offenders in the Community, reported: "The number of adults convicted annually of rape, child molestation, or other forms of sexual assault and sentenced to state prisons more than doubled between 1980 and 1992. In 1994, state prisons held 88,100 sex offenders compared to 20,500 in 1980." One officer said that crime comes down "because we cook the books."
In 2004, the Policemen's Benevolent Association in New York City admitted that officials were "cooking the books" to lower crime statistics. Felonies became misdemeanors, and rapes "inconclusive incidents." A drive-by shooting where the victim is missed might be reclassified as "criminal mischief." And so, too, is sexual recidivism erased.
We gutted our sex laws and changed our sexual behavior to fit the lusts of a team of Indiana University sexual psychopaths posing as scientists. It is time for Congress to investigate the Kinsey sex science fraud. Based on post-1950s hard data, the old sexual science was healthier for society. We had fewer sex offenders and therefore significantly fewer sex offender recidivists to argue about. Or to erase.