Mainstreaming Depravity

Judie Brown
January 20, 2012
Reproduced with Permission

Planned Parenthood's wicked tentacles continue to appear in the most remarkable places - places that include the organization represented by those sweet little girls in green uniforms who innocently stand outside local grocery stores and sell Girl Scout cookies. These little girls are not Planned Parenthood henchmen in disguise, but the organization with which they are aligned is, in fact, a collaborator with Planned Parenthood's ideology.

In March 2010, the Washington Times published an article by Austin Ruse who reported that a mother of seven, Sharon Slater, was attending a conference when she walked into a panel sponsored by the Girl Scouts USA at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. What she found there astounded her. According to the article: "Slater found a stack of brochures produced by Planned Parenthood called 'Healthy, Happy and Hot' that among other things explained to the girls, 'Some people have sex when they have been drinking or using drugs. That is your choice.'"

Fast forward to January 2012 and another commentary written by Austin's wife, Cathy Cleaver Ruse, who reminded readers of the sickening sex guide and went on to report on the "inclusive" policy adopted by the Girl Scouts relative to welcoming boys dressed as girls. Specifically, when the topic arose in Colorado last year involving a seven-year-old boy, a statement was issued which said in part, "If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout."

In addition, Ruse tells readers about a Planned Parenthood employee named Joshua Ackley who comes from a rather checkered past and today "issues press releases, posts news and views on the Girl Scouts' blog, and tries to mollify moms who are concerned about Girl Scout ties with Planned Parenthood."

It is incredibly sad that a once respectable institution like the Girl Scouts of America has fallen prey to the wiles of Planned Parenthood and its countless collaborators in the media, public education, and government. But it is also a sign of the times in which we live.

Today we have "National Sexuality Education Standards." On the SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) website, Jerry Newberry, who is the executive director of the National Education Association Health Information Network, states that these standards, "provide teachers, schools, school districts, and state education agencies with a new national standard - the minimum they need to teach to set students on a path to sexual health and responsible adulthood. . . They set forth essential sexuality education core content and skills responsive to the needs of students and in service to their overall academic achievement." Furthermore, according to the SIECUS site, "The standards focus on seven topics as the minimum, essential content and skills for K-12 education: Anatomy and Physiology; Puberty and Adolescent Development; Identity; Pregnancy and Reproduction; Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV; Healthy Relationships; and, Personal Safety."

In other words, sex indoctrination (defined here as education), which has long been an albatross around the necks of caring parents from one end of America to the other, is now standardized and mainstreamed in private as well as public classrooms. Classrooms have become experimental laboratories where our children are all guinea pigs whether they are sitting in a first grade classroom somewhere or outside the local grocery store innocently selling cookies.

No wonder Pope Benedict XVI recently exhorted American bishops "to renew our efforts to mobilize the intellectual and moral resources of the entire Catholic community in the service of the evangelization of American culture and the building of the civilization of love."

My recommendation is to avoid buying those cookies and use your hard-earned dollars to purchase educational materials addressing the facts regarding Planned Parenthood's negative influences on American children. Contact us at or visit our website for details. Begin the evangelization process right there in your own backyard.

Turning the tide cannot begin a minute too soon.
