African Cardinal: Conspiracy to Contracept Could Lead to Destruction

Judie Brown
by Rita Diller
October 3, 2012
Reproduced with Permission

A "Catholic" billionaire says she is doing what the nuns at Ursuline Academy taught her by questioning whether contraception is a sin. Apparently she has decided it is not, since she has said she would challenge the pope personally on that issue. She has embarked on a mission that places her front and center in a conspiracy with the world's largest abortion chain and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to foist contraception on young women in developing countries. And she has made it clear she expects "no controversy."

Meanwhile, Cardinal John Njue of Kenya vigorously objects to her interference in African culture, saying that, "The drive by foreign agencies . . . to target millions of girls and women in Africa for the artificial family planning programme by the year 2020 is unimaginable, dangerous and could lead to destruction of the human society and by extension the human race."

The good cardinal echoes the words of St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), who said contraception is not just homicide, it is also suicide.

Melinda Gates is partnering with Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes to inundate sub-Saharan African women with injectable birth control, claiming that African women would prefer this form of birth control because they can hide it from their husbands. She makes no mention of the fact that Depo-Provera doubles a woman's risk of contracting HIV or that the male partners of Depo-Provera-using women who have HIV are twice as likely to become infected than if the woman had used no contraception. In sub-Saharan Africa, 61 percent of those living with AIDS are women. Gates' blind faith is apparently driving her to increase that percentage by her irresponsible campaign to inject these women - and the sub-Saharan population - into extinction.

Planned Parenthood has apparently tagged Gates and her billions to lead the charge in implementing its strategic plan for Africa that will push for a 68 percent increase in new "family planning" users by 2015, and an 82 percent increase in abortion "services" by 2015. Gates, however, is very careful to emphasize contraception, while trying to segregate it from abortion, calling abortion and populationcontrol "side issues that attach themselves to this core idea that men and women should be able to decide when they want to have a child."

While Planned Parenthood and its cohorts celebrate[d] "World Contraception Day" [on] September 26, Cardinal Njue is left wondering why millions of foreign dollars are being thrown toward contraception as the real needs of African women go unmet. The cardinal stated, "It is not clear why such a large amount of money is being used for contraceptives while many women are dying daily due to lack of proper medical care, food and housing. . . . If such money or a portion of it was used to develop the underdeveloped parts of Kenya, the so-called threatening population of 64 million people in the year 2040 would be too low."
