The Trouble With Plan B

C. Ward Kischer
October 25, 2006
Reproduced with Permission

Plan B is a synthetic hormone, a progestin called Levonorgestrel, more concentrated than when used as a birth control pill. It may prevent ovulation, fertilization or implantation.

Planned Parenthood states that Plan B does not terminate a pregnancy. But, this is based on their declaration that pregnancy does not begin until implantation. The Arizona Daily Star reported on 25 August, 2006, an AP story by Andrew Bridges, who stated: "Plan B is not an abortion pill. If a woman is pregnant, the pills will have no effect." This is simply an outright lie. On August 29, the Star editorial on Plan B states that ". . .government actors shape policy based on political and religious beliefs INSTEAD OF SCIENCE." This is very misleading, and not true because Plan B is advertised as effective within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, as if pregnancy cannot occur within that 72 hours. Of course it can, and does.

The SCIENCE clearly states, which every human embryologist in the world knows, that pregnancy begins with fertilization. This is because the new human individual life proceeds through development for 5 to 6 days before implantation in the uterus. During this time the embryo is nourished and protected by the fluids in the uterine tubes and the uterus. Thus, if Plan B prevents implantation, it acts as an abortifacient; that is, the new individual human life is aborted and destroyed. This is the science and has nothing at all to do with politics or religion.

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