Dr. Chris Kahlenborn specializes in internal medicine and practices in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Dr. Kahlenborn has studied the epidemiology of breast cancer in relation to abortion and oral contraceptives for the past six years and has lectured in Canada, Russia, the Philippines, and China, in addition to testifying before the FDA. He writes and speaks extensively in the areas of breast cancer, with its links to Abortion and the pill; artificial contraception; In-Vitro fertilization; and the Chickenpox vaccine. His new book, Breast Cancer: Its Link to Abortion and the Brith Control Pill, is available from One More Soul [www.OMSoul.com].
Contact: Kahlenborn@aol.com
As of 2003, 18 out of 21 retrospective studies show that women who take oral contraceptives prior to their first-term birth incur an increased risk in developing breast cancer.
Date posted: 2017-09-30
Almost every reader of this book has a mother, a sister, an aunt or a friend who has or had breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the U.S. in women ages 20-59. In the U.S. nearly 1 out of every 8 women will develop breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
Date posted: 2011-07-07
Two of the most important types of hormones that control reproduction are estrogens and progestins. Birth Control Pills are made from synthetic estrogens and/or progestins. Experiments have shown that these hormones cause women's breast cells to divide more rapidly, which makes them more easily affected by carcinogens - agents which cause cancer.
Date posted: 2006-09-03
When I was a resident of Internal Medicine at Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh, a nephrologist colleague ended his lecture on "End of Life Issues" with the words "a necessary tension may be a good thing." The sentiments conveyed by these words were lacking as I read Dr. Greg Burke's article entitled "Tube Feeding and Advanced Dementia."
Date posted: 2003-06-08
The oral contraceptive pill, also known as the birth control pill, is currently being used by over 10 million women in the U.S. A number of physicians and researchers have noted that the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is actually an abortifacient (ie, an agent that causes an early abortion; specifically, any agent that causes death of the zygote, embryo, or fetus after conception has occurred).
Date posted: 2001-12-22
A number of the women in other countries are at increased risk for breast cancer, especially if they had, have, or will have a high rate of either early Oral Contraceptive Pill use or induced abortion at a young age.
Date posted: 2001-12-15
The high prevalence of liver cancer in Asia and Africa means that if OCP use increases the risk of this type of cancer, they could be putting millions of women at increased risk of getting liver cancer.
Date posted: 2001-12-14
In 1999, about 4,800 women died from cervical cancer in the U.S. In addition cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer of women in developing countries. Do any animal studies link the risk of using artificial hormones contained within today's contraceptives to an increased risk of cervical carcinoma? Yes.
Date posted: 2001-12-13
Progestins are a class of female sexual hormones and work by diminishing a woman's frequency of ovulation, by changing the lining of the uterus, and by thickening cervical mucus. The central question of this chapter is: Do progestins cause breast cancer when used by women at a young age?
Date posted: 2001-12-12
"Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer ieath among African-American women". The incidence of breast cancer is increasing in both the black and white population, but young black women are getting more breast cancer and dying from it more often than young white women. Why?
Date posted: 2001-12-11
DES is extremely important because it provides us with a historical lesson of how a synthetic estrogen, when given during pregnancy, caused a significant increase in breast cancer 20-30 years after its first use.
Date posted: 2001-12-10
What do the other studies (whose data come predominantly after 1980) that have limited themselves to evaluating women under the age of 45 show for women who took OCPs prior to their FFTP? Eighteen out of 20 studies show an increased trend .......
Date posted: 2001-12-09
Is the woman who takes oral contraceptive pills at an early age at increased risk for developing breast cancer? First, we explore some of the background of the oral contraceptive pill and the history of the OCP/breast cancer debate.
Date posted: 2001-12-08
Other questions dealing with abortion and breast cancer for women who have an induced abortion at a later age, early in reproductive life, multiple induced abortions, etc. Why? That is, what link could there be between abortion and cancer of the breast? Chris Kalenhaus answers the questions.
Date posted: 2001-12-07
One of the main questions that people have when they hear or read that having an abortion at a young age increases a woman's risk of breast cancer is: Why? That is, what link could there be between abortion and cancer of the breast? Chris Kalenhaus answers the question.
Date posted: 2001-12-06
Often when a large new research study is performed, the public reads or hears about it. The "experts" frequently comment on their findings in public. In order to assess the credibility of these experts and their conclusions, it is important to understand which things to look for when analyzing a study. Once the following basic principles are understood, one will be able to decide for oneself as to the validity of a certain "expert's" commentary.
Date posted: 2001-12-05
Before starting this chapter the lay reader is again encouraged to be patient because it is slightly technical. The following groundwork will help one understand why certain studies are more important and/or better designed than others. By gaining an understanding of how these studies are constructed and analyzed, one will be able to decide what the data really show and mean. To do this some research vocabulary must be reviewed.
Date posted: 2001-12-04
The major studies show that the birth control pill causes breast cancer and that the Pill also causes invasive cervical cancer and early abortions. Dr. Kahlenborn stated that 17 out of 20 retrospective studies since 1980 have shown that oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer by about 40% if taken prior to a woman's first live-birth.
Date posted: 2001-12-03
Women who have an elective abortion before their firstborn baby suffer at least a 50% increased risk of developing breast cancer according to the best meta-analysis done to date.
Date posted: 2001-12-02
Researchers have noted that the rate of breast cancer has steadily been increasing throughout the world over the last 4 decades and that rates have increased even faster in more advanced countries.
Date posted: 2001-12-01
Intensively researched, full of clear explanations and convincing detail, this book cuts to the heart of the current breast cancer epidemic and gives clear, workable strategies for reducing women's cancer risk. The author strongly challenges physicians, medical organizations, the research establishment, and government agencies to live up to their responsiblities for protecting women's health in this area. The material presented here gives a clear opportunity to begin and promote a culture of health for women, using natural means to manage fertility, and to develop a healthier environment for them and their families.
Date posted: 2001-11-02