Is the Effort to Stop Abortion Racist?

Brian Clowes
July 3, 2020
Reproduced with Permission
Human Life International

Ever since the battle over abortion began, pro-lifers and "pro-choicers" have accused each other of racism. For example, Brian Fung of The Atlantic claimed in August of 2012 that "an abortion ban would disproportionately affect women from non-white and low-income backgrounds," allegedly proving the pro-life movement's "inherent racial and socio-economic unfairness."1

Abortion advocates have long been enraged by pro-lifers who equate abortion with racial genocide. In 1987, Helen I. Howe of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice alleged that it is "an insult to black women to make the generalized claim that abortions performed on black women are genocide."2 Pro-choicers have even set up front groups like "Trust Black Women" to simulate outrage in front of the cameras.

In general, pro‑abortionists say that any pro‑life activism directed towards the elimination of legal abortion, including the refusal to fund abortions for poor women, is racist because women of color would not be able to exercise their so-called "constitutional rights" in the same manner as white women.

The Truth of Pro-Abortion Racism

Notwithstanding pro-abortion claims to the contrary, a look at both history and statistics reveals that abortion itself has often been motivated by racism, and that those who support it sometimes betray racist intent in their own work.

Prominent Pro-Abortion Racists

Lothrop Stoddard was a prominent member of the Board of Directors of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League in the 1930s. In his book The Rising Tide of Color against White World‑Supremacy , he said, "Black blood, once entering a human stock, seems never really bred out again….This is why crossings with the negro are uniformly fatal. Whites, Amerindians, or Asiatics - all are alike vanquished by the invincible prepotency of the more primitive, generalized, and lower negro blood."3

Margaret Sanger herself wrote in her autobiography, "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey…. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered."4

There are many other examples of pro-abortionists making racist statements. Tom Metzger, the 1980 Democratic nominee to the United States House of Representatives from San Diego, was a former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. He said:

Very little abortion should be tolerated among our White race, while at the same time, abortion and birth control should be promoted as a powerful weapon in the limitation of non-White birth…invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, that primarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should be promoted."5

Is it not then hypocritical for the pro-abortion movement to talk about pro-life racism?

More Black Babies Are Aborted than White Babies

Metzger's words quoted above are a perfect description of the "abortion clinic syndicate" named Planned Parenthood, which operates most of its clinics in non-white areas, and which receives tens of millions of dollars of tax support each year.

The interactive map by Protecting Black Life shows that 79% of all of Planned Parenthood's abortion and birth control clinics are located in or near minority neighborhoods.

Although it has been challenged to do so many times, Planned Parenthood has never once repudiated the racist attitude or writings of Margaret Sanger. Quite the contrary - The organization is extremely proud of her views! Faye Wattleton, former President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said, "I believe Margaret Sanger would have been proud of us today if she had seen the directions that we have most recently in this organization taken."6

Abortion advocates are outraged when pro-lifers suggest that most abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods. However, the number of abortion clinics in a city generally correlates closely to the size of that town's minority population. There are nearly twice as many abortion clinics per million people in cities that have large minority populations compared to those cities with smaller minority populations.7

This inevitably results in a deadly inequity between the abortion ratios of white women and minority women in this country. Black women obtain abortions at more than twice the rate that white women do, 40.4% vs. 17.7% of all pregnancies.8

This has led to the result desired by early racist eugenicists, summarized in their slogan "more children from the fit, less from the unfit." About 10% of Caucasians have been eradicated by legal abortion in the United States. About 15% of Asians and 17% of Hispanics have been aborted - but a devastating 30% of African Americans have vanished.8 Dick Gregory is only one of the civil rights activists who argue, "Government family planning programs designed for poor blacks which emphasize birth control and abortion with the intent of limiting the black population is genocide. The deliberate killing of black babies by abortion is genocide - perhaps the most overt form of all."9

As everyone knows, the future of any country or racial group lies with its children. Therefore, the most efficient method possible for eliminating an entire race is to destroy its children. And, of course, the easiest and most efficient way to destroy children is to "nip them in the bud," so to speak - by killing them before they are born. Certainly the pro‑abortion movement has been devastatingly effective. It took 83 years for the abominable crime of lynching to claim 3,445 black lives; but it takes only about 83 hours to kill that many black preborn babies with abortion today.10

Abortionists Mistreat Black Women

Abortionists not only kill black babies, they also kill young black women at a tremendous rate. In fact, an examination of 263 women killed by " safe " and legal abortion shows that the death rate for black women at the hands of abortionists is almost twice that of white women.11

One black mother, Mattie Byrd, mourned her dead daughter Belinda in a letter to a friend:

I cry every day when I think of how horrible her death was. She was slashed by them and then she bled to death….Where is [the abortionist] now? Has he been stopped? Has anything happened to him because of what he did to my Belinda?…People tell me nothing has happened, that nothing ever happens to white abortionists who leave young black women dead.12

Stephen Pine of the Inglewood Women's Hospital was the busy abortionist who killed Belinda Byrd during his 74th abortion of the day!

The world's leading general medical journal, The Lancet , has described "institutional racism" as "the collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture or ethnic origin."13

Certainly that description applies to the abortion industry. When asked why he treated white abortion patients better than black ones, butcher abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who is himself black, replied that it was "the way of the world."14

If the black race continues to abort at its current rate, it will comprise a smaller and smaller percentage of this country's population in comparison to other races. In general, groups of people exert a degree of political and social influence that is roughly proportional to their representation in terms of population. Therefore, as a group slowly shrinks, its influence will shrink as well. As Martin Luther King Jr. said , "The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety."

Only the future will answer the critical questions regarding the demographics of race in the United States. All we can do now is speculate. But we do know one thing - As Faye Wattleton surmised, Margaret Sanger would certainly have been proud!

Final Thoughts

As we know, the pro-abortion movement is certainly not limited to the United States. There is a huge and extremely powerful network of organizations that together are responsible for tens of millions of abortions internationally, with particular focus on the Southern hemisphere. These institutions, together with Western governments, spend billions of dollars annually pressuring poor countries to adopt population control measures. While it would be unfair to label the entire "reproductive health" development industry as racist, it is not unfair to ask why they have simply buried the often overt racism of their movement's founders and rebranded their mission as being about "women's health" and "reproductive rights."

Western nations have poured an incredible $98 billion into population control activities since 1995. Nearly two-thirds of this (62%) has been directed to Africa.15 These quota-driven programs have led to massive corruption and repeated violations of basic human rights, including forced abortion, sterilization and contraception programs. For example, Marie Stopes International has admitted to performing illegal abortions all over the world, and its workers have confessed to injecting women with Depo-Provera shots while telling them that they are malaria treatment.16

Despite all of this, abortion advocates say that pro-lifers, who are trying to save black babies, are the racists.

If you sincerely believe this nonsense, please contact me immediately. I have a lovely little bridge in Manhattan that I would like to sell you.


  1. Brian Fung. "The Quiet Racism of Abortion Bans." The Atlantic , August 28, 2012.
  2. "Abortion and the Holocaust: Twisting the Language." "Religious" Coalition for Abortion Rights, Washington, D.C., 1987.
  3. Lothrop Stoddard, Ph.D. The Rising Tide of Color against White World‑Supremacy . New York City: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1921. Reprinted in 1971 by Negro Universities Press, Westport, Connecticut. For an electronic copy of this book, e-mail Brian Clowes at .
  4. Comment by Margaret Sanger on her speech to the Women's Branch of the Silver Lake, New Jersey Ku Klux Klan in 1926. Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography . New York City: W. Norton& Company, 1938, and Dover Publications, 1971, pages 366 and 367.
  5. Tom Metzger, 1980 Democratic nominee to the United States House of Representatives from San Diego, former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, and founder of the White Aryan Resistance (WAR). "What We Believe as White Racists," downloaded from on October 1, 2012.
  6. Faye Wattleton, former President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), at PPFA's annual luncheon in St. Louis, on May 2, 1979.
  7. For references and calculations, e-mail Brian Clowes at and ask for Excel spreadsheet F-06-01.XLS, "Abortion Clinic Distribution Compared to Minority Populations in United States Cities."
  8. For references and calculations, e-mail Brian Clowes at and ask for Excel spreadsheet F-02-03.XLS, "Analysis of United States Abortion Statistics, 1967 to 2012."
  9. Civil rights activist and pacifist Dick Gregory. "My Answer to Genocide." Ebony Magazine , October 1971.
  10. For references and calculations, e-mail Brian Clowes at and ask for Excel spreadsheet F-06-B.XLS, "Lynchings in the United States, by Year and Race, 1882-1964."
  11. See Human Life International's "Abortion Violence" website at for a long list of women killed by "safe" and legal abortion. [ Website currently down .]
  12. Undated letter from Mrs. Mattie Byrd (mother of Belinda Byrd, who died from a "safe" and legal abortion on January 27, 1987), quoted in Feminists for Life of America amicus brief in the case of Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services , No. 88‑605.
  13. "Institutionalized Racism in Health Care." The Lancet , March 6, 1999, page 765.
  14. Report of the XXIII Grand Jury in the Court of Common Pleas, First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, Criminal Trial Division, No. 0009901-2008, page 7.
  15. For references and calculations, e-mail Brian Clowes at and ask for Excel spreadsheet F-18-05.XLS, "Population Control Donations by 'First World' Nations, 1996-2012."
  16. Interview of Marie Stopes International workers at the Tororo, Uganda MSI clinic by Brian Clowes on December 15, 2010.
