Human Embryology and Church Teachings

Dianne N. Irving
Copyright September 15, 2008
Reproduced with Permission

[Note: This article is copyrighted and thus must be acknowledged when using its original ideas and resources or quoting from it.]



I. Human Embryology

  1. Human Sexual Reproduction
  2. Gametogenesis
  3. Fertilization
  4. Human Sexual Reproduction: Carnegie States of Early Human Embryonic Development
  5. Human Asexual Reproduction
    1. Methylation and Regulation

II. Church Teachings

  1. Philosophical Anthropology
  2. Abortion
  3. Ensoulment and the "Personhood" Arguments
  4. Human Embryonic "Stem Cell" Research, Human Cloning, Human Genetic Engineering, Etc.
  5. Correct Formation of Conscience

III. Bibliography

  1. Science
  2. Bioethics/ Medical Ethics/ Law
  3. Organizations and Institutions
  4. Philosophy and Theology
  5. Church Teachings

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